@Nice2Bee This version does work, but I have two gripes. I tend to prefer the Locked Chase Cam, as it rolls with the aircraft. However, I fly with a controller, and have camera controls set up on the right joystick. My problem is that I can't get the camera to turn more than 5 degrees in any direction when trying to look off to the sides or above/below with the stick. There is also no "look-behind" button. Is this an issue with my keybinds or with how I have the mod configured (which I left on all defaults)? I can get the camera to steer just fine with right-click-dragging, but then it won't auto-center unless I turn the mod off and on again.
Would it be possible to make a "Improved Chase Camera Continued" Mod integrating the suggested camera features? I'm used to the Ace Combat style of controls which have this style of camera and I would love to have KSP emulate it.
Thank you.