Hi all! I am Kyle, or as I like to spell it, Kiel. I am almost 19, and currently going through the local Fire Program at my college. I hope one day to be a Fire Fighter. I am currently an E.M.T. I love to talk about history, read, learn about machines, technology, and the such. I have thought about designing a few mods, but with no experience, besides minimal C++ knowledge, that probably won't happen (unless there is a Modding KSP for Dummies guide out there ). I was wondering if it is at all possible to change my forum name; I apparently was confused when i signed up and put my shorthand E-mail account name . I played the beta awhile ago, and I sucked. Now I have actually bought the game and dedicated myself to learning; I still suck. Well after having 12 unsucessful launches in-a-row, things can only go up. Pardon the pun. Any way, I hope to meet and become friends with many of you readers and forum lurkers:D. Thanks for reading!