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John Wildman

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    Curious George
  1. I managed to get KSP to runing stable on 32 bit with "-force-opengl -popupwindow" and tons of mods. I also reduced the loading times from 10 mins on my hdd to 3,5 mins on my ssd after converting most of the textures into dds. My ksp.exe is using 2,3 GB RAM after loading which is really nice. The only issue I have is, that it looks not as nice (although I activated mulitsampling and stuff like that on my nvida setup pannel) as compared to unstable dx11 on 64bit and also produces way more lag with larger objects like my 500part station. This is my gamedata folder: http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3863/jh2dspp6_jpg.htm These are my system specs: i7 4790k GeForce GTX 980 32 GB RAM 512 GB SSD 1 TB HDD Any idea what I can do to improve the look and the fps while using opengl on 32bit?
  2. Moin, thx alot for this awesome mod! I was so happy to be able to use it again... unfortunately it does not work for me. When i install your mod in a vanilla game it works fine using 64bit win. As soon as I installed my part mods its not working anymore. The game is crashing while loading or while entering the vab. As soon as I remove the KSPLua file only, i have no more issues but unfortunately also no more part catalogue. Do you have any idea what the problem might be? Greetings from Bielefeld
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