This is my Valyard class heavy transport SSTO Spaceplane from my last 0.25 game, first in orbit on its own, then pulling up to the KerbStar 1 space station at its 200km orbit. The plane itself weighs in at about 200 tons and can readily loft about 100 tons of cargo to the station. This was a basic supply mission, to stock up all the MKS/TAC-LS raw materials. It can get a bit squirrely under power but, overall, flies pretty decently. I'm looking forward to creating a new version with 0.90's better VAB/SPH tools. The real problem, I ran into here was not paying close enough attention to part count on the plane and station. When successfully docked it has to then be undocked before you leave the scene. Doing anything that would cause it to be unloaded from memory while docked would lead to it basically shattering when I switched back to it. I will be smarter about this in future builds. Last, here it is docked with the station, while a Pralix class light SSTO Spaceplane transport lines up to dock as well. My frame rate was... well.. painful at this point, but it was highly satisfying.