I've been working on SSTO spaceplane for quite some time now, and I've hit a bit of a rut in my designs. So I would like some ideas on improving one of them. This is my current design. Note that the COM and COL are show with tanks empty, not full. As you can see, the main body is LF/O with two Aerospike engines, with two LF columns on each side fueling a total of four turbojet engines. There are four shock cone intakes and fifteen structural intakes (from the Spaceplane Plus mod). There exists four of every type of science module. This might be redundant, since some of them are re-usable, but the convenience of not needing to EVA to clean them is worth the very might weight/drag increase. Right now, there is no RCS or docking port. I will add those as improvements are made. Here's my usual ascent profile: Air intakes automatically handled by mechjeb. Activate turbojets. 35 degrees from liftoff to 15,000 m. 25 degrees from 15,000 m to 22,000 m. 15 degrees from 22,000 m until air depletion forces me back to 50% throttle. Usually I will be going around 1650 m/s at this point. Activate aerospikes, incline to 35 degrees. Deactivate turbojets when air depletion forces me to 25% throttle. Once apoapsis is above 80,000 m, cut throttle and wait to circularize. I can get into orbit and return pretty easily. However I don't usually have enough fuel to do anything more than that. I don't have the fuel to meet with my space station for refueling, so interstellar missions are a no-go. So any ideas for improvements would be greatly appreciated.