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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. On another thread, there's a very tiny tweak to stock that seems to make 120% feel nice and deadly… except for the thermometer memory leak, I'm really happy with the (slightly tweaked) stock thermal mechanics, although I'll probably try out DRE to compare.
  2. I've got to say, your tweaks make the 1.0.2 aero perfectly deadly! Re-entry is scary, but not impossible. I hope whatever the devs end up doing with 1.0.3 feels the same…
  3. Because I play with the Revert option turned off, the answer is that I'm forced to watch in horror as my poor kerbal dies in the inferno… and then add more struts (assuming it didn't wipe out a significant portion of my $aving$).
  4. You want a great disturbance in the force? I'm starting to worry that's no asteroid in orbit over KSP, is it?
  5. Been playing for almost a year, and now that I've finally made it to Tylo and returned I feel like I can venture onto the forums as a (rookie) peer. Either way, I was really proud of the landing and return playing Hardcore mode (no quicksave, no reverts of any kind, and the hardest part: no Kerbal Engineer Redux!) and sent Jebediah on the first attempt! I was definitely sweating bullets on that landing though…
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