Hi guys, longtime lurker here, I am not the only one who probably welcomes difficulty slider that will come in the next patch, but I think it still does not solve the current issue - you can grind endless research points by just doing simple testing missions. One way I came up with a way to deal with this issue would be to restrict research points gain from random missions until you achieve the next big mission (achieving orbit, mun, interplanetary travel etc). For example you could get only 300 research points from testing missions until you achieve landing and coming back from Mun, after that the limit would be raised until you achieve interplanetary mission and the final limit which will stop restricting you would be something like landing on a moon of Jool and bringing back samples. You would still be able get research points from other sources, but no more test parts grinding. This is just a concept and I am sure someone could come up with something better, I just think that just lowering research points gain from mission will make us grind even harder.