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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thank you for your input Gaarst, it is greatly appreciated as I am both student and employed, giving me very little opportunity to troubleshoot games in my spare time. EVE does seem the likely culprit, but not by itself. Considering how popular the mod is(used in both Astronomers pack and EVE) it could not be causing this problem by itself, or everyone would have been complaining. I suspect it is due to interaction with some other mod? I am just not sure which it could be. I have tried several clean installs and the problem seems to reappear each time. I ran a similar modpack earlier with EVE and CKAN that worked fine(surprisingly stable in fact, I regret scrapping it), my main changes have been: - added the Near Future family - added some more of the custom contracts - Changed USI life support for TAC life support - Removed Deadly Reentry
  2. KSP: 1.0.4 Windows 32bit Problem: CTD after scene change Mods installed: http://imgur.com/w8MJSS8 Reproduction steps: Change scenes. Happens every 1-10 scene changes. Crashes to desktop with a windows error message. Memory stable between 1200-3200. Log: <link>Output_log.txt
  3. Roverdudes mods seem really cool, just started getting into them yesterday. Most the well-known mods have some compatibility integrated to make them work better together, but if you are running a lot of mods Active Texture Management is a must-have as it will reduce your memory usage by alot.
  4. This problem has been resolved for now by changing from KSPI to KSPI-Lite as resource compatibility between the mods have been fixed for this version of KSPI. Many thanks to Roverdude for taking personal interest in this troubleshooting and helping out.
  5. Thanks for your input RoverDude, I added a picture of the debug log, looks like duplicate entities?
  6. KSP: 0.24.2 Problem: At Launchpad/Runway FPS drops from 40 to 4. Tested with a Command Pod Mk1, 1.25m heatshield, MK16 Parachute, FL-T200 fuel tank and a LV-T45 engine. Mods Installed: Karbonite 0.3.5 MKS 0.19.3 CustomBiomes - 1.6.6 B9 R 5.2.1 Deadly Re-Entry v5.2 FAR CustomAsteroids - 1.0.0 Active Texture Management Aggressive - Release Better Atmospheres V5 RemoteTech2 2-1.4.1 Engineer Redux Enhanced NAvBall 1.3.2 KAS 0.4.8 Science Library 1.2 Blizzie's Toolbar 1.7.6 TAC Life Support Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Fine Print 0.58b SCANsat b5 Universal Storage Universal Storage TAC Universal Storage KAS KW Rocketry 2.6b Kerbal Construction Time 1.0.2 KSP Interstellar 0.11 Troubleshooting done Removed and reinstalled all mods, one by one until the error was encountered. Cleaned up the KSP install and freshened it up. Suggested Diagnosis It seems to me like this might be caused by the multiple versions of ORS(Open Resource System) used in both MKS and KSP Interstellar, and its interaction with Karbonites CRP(Community Resource Pack) which are all 3 working with adding and identifying resources that are not stock to the game. Since it only tanks when at a launchpad or runway I suspect there to be an issue with calling up a certain resource. Other mods installed that work with resources are TAC Life Support, Universal Storage and FAR. Reproduction Steps: Run KSP Interstellar along with MKS/Karbonite, try to launch a rocket or space plane. Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/32q67sshljyey94/output_log.rar?dl=0 http://imgur.com/CQfWbpX
  7. I have a strange issue with this mod, it all works fine until I try to launch something, both the Launchpad and the Runway will reduce my FPS to 3-4 frames, while it is around 40 with the same ship and this mod deactivated. Has anyone had a similar issue and know the resolution? I believe it may be associated with Karbonite v0.3.5/MKSv0.19.3 and conflicting resource adding systems? Thank you for any advice, Cal
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