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    Tulerman Industries CEO
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  1. Yeah, I made this to look similar to the real rockets, also, it is compatible with Tweakscale, to anyone that wants to play with this with another scale. Also, thanks for the feedback!
  2. Hello Everybody! Welcome to my collection of welded Parts! I did this collection of parts because when i was going to do some replicas, and the number of parts exceeds 100 or maybe 300 parts! And my PC isnt powerful to support so many parts, and or the KSP Crash or the FPS Reduce a lot. Now with this, the rocket cannot exceed 100 parts! Guys, some notes: -YOU DONT NEED RADIAL ATTACHMENT! (i put some attachment points to you just put a small {0.625 m} decoupler and the nose cones also have attachments points!) -The Nose cones that have sepatrons is staged and the symbol is an engine! Check all the stages before launch! -Compatible with Tweakscale! Link to the Screen Shot: http://imgur.com/a/PMh7G Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/osq9rr84dbqk0uo/AAAC5z-rLbQguPq-jyjqCm-wa?dl=0 License: CC BY-NC 3.0 BR (Link: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/br/) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PTBR: Fala Galera! Tudo Bom? Bem vindos a minha coleção de peças juntas, ou seja, são varias peças em uma só. Dai vocês me perguntam, por que vc fez isso? Dai eu respondo meu caro jogador de KSP, nem todos nós temos computadores fortes que suportam muitas peças e graficos, e isso acontece comigo. Algumas vezes, as naves tinham um grande numero de peças (que passavam mais de 100 ou até mesmo 300 peças!) e jogo dava Crash. Decidi juntar peças as peças do KSP e tentar fazer "Peças Realistas") Notas: -Vc nao precisa usar deacoplador Radial! Alguns Tanques tem pontos de acoplamento e vc só precisa de um deacoplador pequeno (0.625 m) e junte as peças! -Os "Bicos" dos SRB ou Tanques que tem um sepatron embutido tem no estagio um simbolo de motor liquido! Pois então, cheque seus estagios antes do lançamento. -Compatível com Tweakscale -Tradução em Andamento Link pra imagens do modt: http://imgur.com/a/PMh7G Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/osq9rr84dbqk0uo/AAAC5z-rLbQguPq-jyjqCm-wa?dl=0 Licença: CC BY-NC 3.0 BR (Link: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/br/) Me sigam no Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfZFmOHjHLS0Qvz2DSJedQ Me sigam no Twitter!: https://twitter.com/GTulerman THIS VERSION IS 0.1 Changes: 0.1: Initial Release/ Publicação Inicial!
  3. Hi, im an user of your mod, and im playing 1.2. After saw you update with ITS, I have two suggestions: 1-More sizes for ITS landing Legs. 2-Make a New Shepard Landing Leg (one that i want in your mod).
  4. @ricardoguedes21 sugiro vc criar uma pasta do seu pack de bandeiras só pra elas não se misturarem com a do Jogo Stock.. A, e outra coisa, tem uma função do forum chamado "Quote", com ela vc coloca o que o Usuario colocou e responde-a. (Exemplo)
  5. Hi! i saw your Mod "SimpleRefuel" and i'm interested about be a Tester! But i'm too will give some suggestions. You can make me a Tester? (Sorry about my bad English!)

    1. MarkusA380


      Of course you can be a tester!

      I will look forward to your suggestions.

      For the future, please send me a private message and don't post your message here on my status updates :wink:

      I will send you the first version for testing this evening. (GMT+1)

  6. Thanks @Kartoffelkuchen for this update! But another suggestion, and if you put on Spacedock.info all of the necessary mods already in the folder, instead of us found these Mods and install All of then? And put on CKAN?
  7. We'll miss you @KasperVld You made KSP Be who it is today! Thanks to be one of best SQUAD Staff! Goodbye Friend!
  8. @Kartoffelkuchen RIP Falcon 9 and Amos-6. It blow up in Static fire Test.
  9. And this are a Institute/University that all of the Brazilian that want to study Aerospace Tecnology, we go to this Institute.
  10. Hi @Felbourn, i just posted that because some peole will put or did post the height in Ft. And i just post-it in meters. (Sorry about my bad English)
  11. Lets add more 4= Guid = a5088f15-9fa7-46ab-95c8-ddd45a06017e Name = Natal Tracking Station Latitude = -5.7894186 Longitude = -35.1939925 Height = 30m Guid = 0ba61385-6077-4d28-8646-7b550470c559 Name = Parque da Luz Tracking Station Latitude = -23.5331495 Longitude = ,-46.6359681 Height = 752m Guid = 37dd9a9a-0b31-479d-bae5-e9da2d7a2954 Name = ITA (Insituto de Tecnologia Aeroespacial) Latitude = -23.5331495 Longitude = ,-46.6359681 Height = 602m Guid = a6e9774a-42ed-451e-9228-ffd4d2b714aa Name = Marambaia Sounding Rocket Launch Facility Latitude = -23.0998831 Longitude = ,-43.9955026 Height = 183m
  12. Where are the post of the result? @KasperVld @SQUAD
  13. Eai Luiz, tudo bem? Eu vi sua shuttle, baixei, e queria fazer uma pergunta, vc consegue fazer Um Buran Com Ela? Sou o Giubrazil1 do twitch

    1. luizopiloto


      teve um player q pegou a shuttle mais recente q eu fiz e converteu pra Buran... :P

  14. in Curse (NOT CURSEFORGE): http://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220566-fmrs-x1-1-00-01#t1:other-downloads And select the option "Other Downloads" (Where the link shows) and the first is the 1.1 Beta. Thats it.
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