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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I tried a few things, and no it didn't have the claw, and I switched any object orbiting kerbin or other planets all of which worked in the past but all of them lost orbit, some quite large so not physicsless parts, unless the core module was changed during my reinstall. I tried modifying my saves to no avail. But it turns out I had made a backup of my saves only a day before my reinstall, I just put them in my KSP folder including my persistence file and everything works great again. Thanks for your suggestions everyone, I have no idea what the issue was but it's solved now.
  2. Thanks for the welcomes. I'll post up some pictures and some good vehicles I have made in the future. Anyway, It happens with my small satellites , which are only a small probe, xeon, ion drive, 4 solar panels, negative gravity detector and satellite dish. I have mech jeb installed, but it happens to anything in orbit even without the mech jeb component. I can't time warp at my space station as it's huge, I'd have to guess somewhere over 1500 tons. Any time warp and it folds in on itself.
  3. My game stopped loading so I backed up my saves and deleted local content then reinstalled. Everything seemed to load fine, but if I switch to a satellite in orbit around Kerbin for example it orbits fine, but if I time warp (max it allows is 5x) it shoots off. It maintains the circular orbit but the entire circle accelerates away from the planet. Then I stop time warp, and my apoapsis is rising like crazy and peri is falling at the same rate. If I try to time warp again I get the message "unable to warp while ship under acceleration" but the engine isn't even on and I can't control the direction at all. It's as though the planet isn't actually there any more and the ship is orbiting the sun, but in map view it still shows a circular orbit, and is no longer affected by the gravity of the Kerbin, as the planet slowly shoots into the distance. I initially thought it might have something to do with the planets being in the wrong position for the date in relation to my saves, but the date shows 2 years x days so it's not the default beginning date. Please help, I've put flags all over the mun, and made successful landing to Duna and Ike, deorbited and E class and landed it next to the VAB and have a huge station in orbit, I'd hate to have to start again. Especially since this is in career mode. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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