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Everything posted by HTaylor114

  1. I would add that calculating your delta-v is very important - dV = g0*Isp*ln(full mass/dry mass) = simple calculation you can run on each stage, and can save you enormous amounts of funds and/or time. Also, Oberth effect is your friend burn at the opposite apsis to the one you want to change
  2. Well, now I can try squadron-size engagements again. *punches air*... *remembers GCSE exams in 2 days* oh... right.
  3. My guess is that it will be designed for FAR, although stock may (possibly) be supported as it is more similar to NEAR now. Even then, that's a longshot from the look of it.
  4. No need - I cleared CKAN's cache, (last time I reinstalled all my mods to try and fix it nothing changed) and reinstalled the mods I use - it works fine now. Seems like CKAN's cache file was damaged.
  5. I also have BDynamics, and it shows BDanimationmodules.dll as installed on the GUI - all are fully updated as of seconds ago.
  6. I have the same problem after installing with CKAN - I also have BDarmoury, and that works - so not having the .DLL is out the question.
  7. I think I have found a bug. When you load-in a craft with the wings, they return to their default shape. e.g. this http://imgur.com/8veSsT9 I landed one of these aircraft & parked it in the hanger like it is now. Then I flew another one to the island, and crashed it on landing. Then I landed a third, parked it, and noticed this. n.b. I heard explosions, but that might have been the parts of the crashed one exploding. It's still a great mod, and I thank you for it. building aircraft will never be the same again.
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