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Everything posted by 41magsnub

  1. Hadn't played for a while so I built a quick space shuttle out of stock components. Blew the wings and rear landing gear off during launch but it made orbit. Landing it with crew is ill advised.... Launched a rescue mission to save the crew. Then realized while transferring crew I was short a seat on the rescue ship. Going to have to launch another smaller rescue ship tomorrow for Jeb. Afterwards I am going to deorbit and try to ditch it in the ocean. Might work, have a bunch of fuel and two rear parachutes originally installed for braking upon touchdown. If I had thought to put in a docking port I could have used it as the base of a space station. Then, reengineer the shuttle a bit...
  2. Building a space station using stock early career parts. Got everything orbited and realized I goofed and used a mix of standard and jr sized docking ports accidentally when it came time to start docking the pieces. Need to build and orbit some adapters now.. lol
  3. I did that on the first launch and frequently forget to check so even today I end up reverting to hanger a lot.
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