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Australian Sloth

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Posts posted by Australian Sloth

  1. I\'m a currently in my last year of high school right now and I\'ve found KSP, more so the forums has been very educational.

    It\'s been very good for the circular motion for physics and has greatly expanded my knowledge about orbits and delta v.

    Any other high schoolers using ksp?

  2. I don\'t think they do it for the money but rather because they can. It\'s

    The game is a steal for $15, it\'s easily going to be worth upwards of $50 when it is fully finished.

  3. Well, In a few hours I\'m going to be walking 4 days of the bibbulmun track.

    Got me thinking, who else hikes or enjoys other outdoor activities.

    Could someone please launch a few rockets into the mun for me while I\'m gone.

  4. FSX while dated has a huge number of addons and has a really good tutorial system.

    I\'d suggest it for beginners. For your combat sims you can\'t go wrong with Il-2, it\'s on gog for less than $10. Flanker, LO-MAC and the rest of the DCS stuff is really good but more complex than 50 tangled slinkeys. Be prepared for a world of hurt with those ones.

  5. I see your argument about being modular.

    It does help that many modern launch systems are quite modular, but in the long run I really can\'t see them getting any more efficient, but at least for the next decade or so, they are still the viable launch option.

  6. Hi guys, I made this as a proof of concept video a few days ago.

    Now that I have decent internets I have uploaded it to the world.

    As I was in a hurry footage was taken over half an orbit ans shamelessly spliced with some music from space night earth views.

    What do you think?

  7. So, I found myself making an asshat of myself today while returning a rocket to kerbin and it got me thinking,

    what\'s everyone\'s stupidest mistake?

    Here\'s a few of mine:

    1:Set up a rendevous only to launch the second rocket going the other way.

    2: Launching from the mun, activated my next stage with the previous stage rockets still going. One flew straight into my fuselage and propelled me to about 5k\'s before it flew off.

    3: Built a plane to go to the south pole, at 2x time acceleration just before the ice sheet it shook apart, I could pilot the wreckage but still killed the crew.

    That\'s all I can think of at any rate, but feel free to post yours.

    We won\'t judge you


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