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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Here's some random tips: 1. Jet engines have a Center of mass in front of the part. Put them on a hover with the nozzle pointing up, and the rover will have a COM below the ground, making it extremely stable. 2. Wings angled down (anhedral) can improve stability. 3. Pressing the Spacebar in the VAB will reset the camera to the default position.
  2. They could just use magnetic boards, right? the real problem is with rolling the dice in 0g, no idea how that's gonna work.
  3. BD armory? count me in. wait, where do you get the DMP BD armory client plugin?
  4. so that's why it was so glitchy? i'd never imagine it was because of that.
  5. Now it seems to be working for me, if you use the new port number (55905)
  6. não consigo entrar no server, dá um erro (handshake failure: invalid key for user) edit: tinha que mudar o nome pra algo diferente
  7. i think i'm going to try doing something to contribute, like the component space shuttle maybe? That would be cool to have.
  8. woah, i'm glad that there is a new thread, i couldnt find many instructions out there about what mods are supposed to be used with this. can't wait to use the automatic CKAN installer!
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