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Everything posted by joeri83

  1. I was talking about the MEM. Is adding a hatch something I can do myself with an CFG edit? or does it involve complicated modeling stuff?
  2. Hey I really love the lander, but I can't seem to do EVA with it, why aren't the kerbonauts showing up in the bottom-right corner?
  3. How do you get the engines angled like that? I know how to get the facing downwards, but how do you get them to be pointed to the rear a bit?
  4. Um... just a question, but how do you unfold the new solar panels? ???
  5. Yes, it is! I\'m happy you like it! I\'m working on better textures!
  6. Hello there! These are some of my first modded parts, more wil be added soon! (Read: sometime) The MK2 command pod: [uPDATED!] Have you ever wanted to make a rocket with the fuel on top, and the pod just above the engine? Me neither! But now you can, with MK2 pod! It\'s not the first of his kind, but it\'s my first real mod I have ever released, so please don\'t be mean! ^ Newest texture! It\'s like a MK1 pod mixed with the RCS tank, and a custom texture. Download underneath the post! Constructive criticism is very welcome! --Joeri
  7. The germans actually launched a V2 into a suborbit in 1944, this was the first real space flight.
  8. I might try to make my own mod for it, with some kind of a small engine like in this pack, whould that work?
  9. I get that, but IRL you don\'t put 15 boosters on a rocket now do you? =P It\'s not totally realistic, I know. But it would be fun right?
  10. Isn\'t translation what the RCS does? Or is there some other function?Anyways, I love this mod! Can you make it so the solar panels restore fuel? Or do they do that already?
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