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Everything posted by Deklein

  1. A new corporation has taken command of KSP HQ. It's time for an exciting rescue mission! A KSP cinematic series featuring the crew of the BHDL Relapse as they attempt to rescue stranded kerbonauts Jebediah and Bill from the Mun.
  2. According to this thread on the facerig forums (https://facerig.com/index.php/forum/posts/f7/t49/official-actor-suggestion-thread), they have already attempted to contact the KSP devs. Note: You have to enter "Kerbal" into the "Search this topic..." box to find the specific item.
  3. I remember seeing this software a few months back on Kickstarter, and just recently it's appeared on Steam. I also recommend going to their site (https://facerig.com/) and/or looking at their steampage (http://store.steampowered.com/app/274920/) for a better description, but in short it's a program that allows webcam users to render their face (and it's motions/expressions) into a 3D model in realtime. It appears that Facerig is willing to work with other companies to create specific models; they already have the character Octodad, and a Floran from Starbound. In addition, according to this thread on their forums (https://facerig.com/index.php/forum/posts/f7/t49/official-actor-suggestion-thread?hilit=kerbal), they have already emailed KSP about exactly this. Personally, I would love the ability to render the faces and expressions of different Kerbals, and it could be a useful tool for content creators. Plus a whole lot of fun for anyone who just wants to Skype as a Kerbal . EDIT: The facerig forum link does not lead directly to the KSP post. Make sure to enter "Kerbal" into the "Search this topic..." box.
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