I remember seeing this software a few months back on Kickstarter, and just recently it's appeared on Steam. I also recommend going to their site (https://facerig.com/) and/or looking at their steampage (http://store.steampowered.com/app/274920/) for a better description, but in short it's a program that allows webcam users to render their face (and it's motions/expressions) into a 3D model in realtime. It appears that Facerig is willing to work with other companies to create specific models; they already have the character Octodad, and a Floran from Starbound. In addition, according to this thread on their forums (https://facerig.com/index.php/forum/posts/f7/t49/official-actor-suggestion-thread?hilit=kerbal), they have already emailed KSP about exactly this. Personally, I would love the ability to render the faces and expressions of different Kerbals, and it could be a useful tool for content creators. Plus a whole lot of fun for anyone who just wants to Skype as a Kerbal . EDIT: The facerig forum link does not lead directly to the KSP post. Make sure to enter "Kerbal" into the "Search this topic..." box.