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  1. Thank you guys for the answers, it seems like a bug in the SAS that makes the ship resonate, I'm using sas with stability assist and it works....
  2. Hello guys, I've ran into something strange and I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature . Trying to build a rocket that can carry a drone to Laythe, but the rocket keeps shaking it's self (almost) apart - really bad control, after barely making it to a suborbital trajectory, I've deployed the fairing to take a look inside: engine of, both RC-001S remote unit and CH-j3 nose cone are off, all control surfaces on the plane are off. Basically any control unit I activate in the lower part of the ship the thing starts to shake. Any ideas on how I can fix this? Picture:
  3. Wow, first of all thanks to all of you, I have a lot of stuff, from your answers, to google in the next days. I know that KSP isn't a realistic depiction of space flight (especially from surface to LEO), but from what I got from your answers, engine inefficiency/dual behavior needed (atmosphere/space) is what keeps us from building a space plane. Misu
  4. Hello guys, I know that a lot of guys that work in the space/aeronautic industry play KSP, so mabey some one can give me an answer on the following: What technology, materials, procedures etc. are we missing in the real world to be able to build a space plane? For me this seems the easyest (most efficient) way to get things into orbit? Use jet engines to get to upper atmospere then use rokets. Thanks, Misu
  5. Hello guys and thanks for the replies, I didn't know about F4 . Makes docks much easier. Any pointers on how to make a Mun landing on a specific location, like suggested orbit before landing, type of maneuver etc. Misu
  6. Hello guys, I've been playing the Demo for a while and recently I've bought the full version, and let me tell you, Squad is owing me some lost nights. I've managed to orbit the Mun, I've managed to crash land on the Mun (poor Jeb is still waiting for a rescue mission) and recently I've managed to dock, first with the Advanced Grabbing Unit (just to get a feel of the thing) and then with docking ports, but I have a question regarding the distance indicator. From what I've read, the game should display the distance to the target when I get closer than a certain distance (30-50m), but this never happens. I have the latest version (2.4.2) of the game, what I would like to know: 1. Is this a bug? (should I try to reinstall the game) 2. Am I doing something wrong? (not activating something) 3. The distance display works only with some mod? (I only have Engineer Redux installed at the moment) Thank you guys and have a nice flight. Misu
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