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Everything posted by Brookstone

  1. r4ptor, I tried your suggestion but I couldn't get a strut to attach to Not-Rockomax. I am changing my design. I am trying to use struts as little as possible so I can keep the crash tolerance closer to the 80 m/s that the I-Beams have, since this is for a rover\base. As Red Iron Crown said it is the worst limitation but you just got to get creative and build around it.
  2. Good Evening, I am trying to make a structure for a rover and keep running into an issue where if i have multiple points going to one piece (like a Not-Rockomax) and it connects to one piece but not the others. I have also had the same issue if i try and have a TRI-1190C MK1 Stack on both ends of a series of fuel tanks. On one side it has all three tanks connected but on the other usually one or (maybe 1/3 of the time) two are connected. I am not sure if i am doing something wrong when building them. With the Not-Rockomax i have tried going in a "circle" to connect and building the square except on one corner and then tried to put the last piece in. I have a picture below to show an example of what I mean. Any suggestions or ideas would be helpful. Thank you.
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