I've been trying, without success, to get B9 Aerospace working on Kerbal Space Program 24.2 on OS X Mavericks. Whenever I install B9 Aerospace and attempt to launch Kerbal Space Program, the launcher freezes on either a stock part or a NASA mission part. I've had launcher freezes before on another computer so the problem is not limited to Mac OS X. I got to the error by: 1. Reinstalling KSP (clear local content on Steam, install the game again). 2. Downloading B9 Aerospace. In the file I downloaded, I have the following: README.md Ships Source changelog.txt GameData The interesting thing is that Game Data has 10 folders and 1 file: B9_Aerospace_DEPRECATED CrossFeedEnabler Firespitter JSI KineTechAnimation Klockheed_Martian ModuleManager.2.3.5.dll MP_Nazari ResGen SmokeScreen Virgin Kalactic B9_Aerospace In previous versions of KSP, there hasn't been nearly this much stuff in the file, but as per instructions on the 24.2 version, I merged everything with GameData and put the change log and readme files together with the Source and Ships folders into the main KSP directory. I have also tried only putting the B9_Aerospace into GameData, but without success. The launcher froze and stopped loading at a stock engine part. 3. I read somewhere in the comments of the Curse page for B9 Aerospace that you need NEAR and/or FAR installed together with it. I installed FAR, I managed to load the game. I installed B9 Aerospace, same thing as on my previous attempt, but the game froze on the grappling hook that comes with the NASA mission. 4. I deleted the NASA mission parts completely and installed NEAR; game crashed with the "spinning beach ball of death" that you get when programs crash on Macs. 5. So now, having completely messed up my game directory, I just downloaded KSP again for the third time. What should I do to get B9 Aerospace to work with KSP 24.2?