cvod, I've looked at some of the other trees, and the one that stands out as being close in quality to yours is the engineering-based tree. I like it because it's thematic, and it makes a lot of sense w/r/t how nodes are related. Your tree makes sense in a sort of progression-based way, but it doesn't have the same sort of thematic pull to it. If I had a suggestion, it would be to think about some sort of theme. This would make it easier to sell to new people, too. In other news, I've been getting a lot of bugs with treeloader: contract parameters not updating/completing and not being able to recover vessels being the most important. As such, I've switched to stock tree for now. As soon as you switch to ATC, I'll switch back, because it seems like that method is less bug-prone. I've got some additional mods, and once you switch to ATC, I can probably send some splices for you. Thanks for all your work; this tree made my first serious playthrough much more fun.