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    Curious George
  1. Is anyone else having issues with the IUS IR part? The part will pivot but anything attached to the decoupler will not. Every other part in the pack works well, only this one is causing my problems. All dependencies are updated to 1.0.4 (my current version.) This was the one part I was most excited for, anyone have any ideas of how to solve this issue?
  2. I'd love to take this for a test drive. I have been trying to get something similar going in KoS, with limited success. I'd love to sit in mission control and let a probe run and not know whether or not it is "alive or dead" "crashed or successfully landed" for the long seconds or minutes it takes for the signal to reach me.
  3. Experiencing a new problem, I'm running .25 and the newest release of RT. Craft has 100% electrical charge, crewed craft so the computer is under 'local control'. Everything seems to work just fine- it's just flooding my log and screen - annoying. DOes anyone know what could be causing this, this is a fresh install with vanilla, RT, DRE and the latest release of HGR.
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