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Everything posted by arrowhen

  1. I'm having the same issue: pWings was working fine before I installed NEAR, now none of the wings will attach. I tried the updated .dll from a couple pages back, tried again with a clean install with just pWings and NEAR, no luck. Running 64-bit Linux.
  2. I think it's more that people are responding to your "I just have to resign to the fact that I'm beyond this game's challenges" with helpful suggestions as to how you can continue to find fun challenges to overcome. As far as part mods go, I think it's kind of hard to give recommendations because installing mods is all about customizing the game to your own individual needs. I can tell you what mods *I* use but that doesn't mean they'll be the right ones for *you*. However, if you're concerned that you've run out of things in the game to do, just installing more parts might not be the answer -- you seem motivated by challenge, and just flying to places you've already visited in different-looking spacecraft might not be enough to keep your interest for long. You might be better served by gameplay-altering mods that add complexity and require more careful planning (things like TAC Life Support or RemoteTech), give you a long-term goal to work towards (like getting a completely self-sufficient colony running in MKS/OKS), or just straight-up increase the difficulty (Better Than Starting Manned).
  3. I can't get a plane to roll five meters down the runway before it flips over and explodes, so by the scale presented, I'm about a 2.
  4. Space Navigation And Colonization Kommittee (S.N.A.C.K.) KASA Kerbiet Ministry of Cosmic Exploration and Potato Science My current space program, started the night .25 released, is creatively titled "CAREERTEST". I use stock flags, because I'm lazy.
  5. No. I don't want my mod list chosen for me by a committee. I'd rather Squad concentrate on making the core game a solid, stable modding platform and let individual players customize it as they see fit. Also, if you don't like updates breaking all your mods, just wait a week before you upgrade.
  6. Another possibility would be 240 km, the altitude where your minimum time-warp goes up to 1000x. If we assume that time-warp is an actual feature of the Kerbal universe (i.e., Kerbals developed the ability to alter their perception of time in order to counter their natural tendency to make terrible decisions out of boredom), that would likely be a practical consideration in establishing orbit boundaries. I use 250 km as my standard MKO because it's an easy number to remember and gives me a bit of room to maneuver without getting dropped down into the slower warp zone.
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