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Everything posted by lowaltitude

  1. just installed the latest version will check if the issue returns UPDATE: they still dont work in flight the craft is using the legacy parts could that be the issue? UPDATE 2 I have now gotten them to work i realised i had accidentally been using the wrong KSP version
  2. i seem to be having an issue after updating from KSP 1.0.5 to 1.1 the parts would work correctly in the editor but not in flight Notes: I am using the old parts that are packaged with the mod i have SXT, KAX Airplane plus and firespitter installed with this mod i have since updated to 1.1.2 but the mod still wont work
  3. I have a question for you guys i have managed to get an old version of this mod working in 1.0.5, Gaalidas would you have any problem with me uploading it to space dock seeing as it is only this mod which is now open source
  4. After many months of being away from KSP I have gotten back in tough with 1CEONE and Firestriker to work on Basic Resource once again and we have been hard at work on rebuilding the mod from the ground up
  5. freethinker that looks very complicated and beautiful but i think the idea that you have strays too far from the idea of this mod
  6. After abandoning my original resource mod idea for KSP i have decided to produce a small mod based on the idea of adding some new fuel tanks to the game The Idea for the Mod so far This mod is to be a community ideas project that means i require your help to create this mod by having you give responses to the poll and propose an idea for the fuel tank itself like look or shape Guide and rules to suggesting/proposing an Idea 1. it cannot be part of a larger mod or other mod being worked on currently by another modder 2. it must be a part that fits with stock KSP 3. no going i want this make it or no its too bad to be made into a mod since im creating this thing i judge that and inform the suggester if their idea is in breach of this guide 4. Make it usable not just something that isnt used 5. Just post your Idea below if you want add some diagrams for displaying points or uses of the fuel tank the poll is simply used to inform me of what type of fuel tank to create This mod will be covered by a CC-BY-NC 4.0 licence
  7. Hi all, Several things have happened over the last two months i would like to state that this mod is not dead it is being worked on by the team currently, Second of all i would like to welcome Fire Striker our newest member of the team and, Finally a small status update on the mod we are going to begin work on the new version soon and are going to be focusing on fully implementing the life support feature, however we need your help with providing feedback to us.
  8. so what you want is a mod that adds a building to the game that contains tombstones that generate when a kerbal dies
  9. Hey guys as some people who check out my mod page you will know that a couple things have changed on the page some more things will change soon and I would like to say there will soon be more people helping me work on the Basic Resource Mod (they haven't got forum accounts yet but they will soon
  10. Hello Everyone I would to ask for help on creating the life support system so far I have the Plugin working but the Resources are not working despite them being in the basicResource.cfg file
  11. that's ok I just didn't want people going off topic in my Dev thread and that's what has happened
  12. Ok this has gone on long enough please stop going on about Kethane in my Dev thread
  13. Thank you for the clarification Also I have no intention to implement Resource mining in Basic Resource that's for people who want things like Kethane I just want to make my mod with as little plugins as possible
  14. ok sorry about that I haven't touched Kethane since its first release EDIT: what I meant was that when I had seen all of the plugins involved in Both Karbonite and Kethane I decided I wanted to make a mod with less plugins that would be an alternative to Kethane and Karbonite
  15. EDIT: Sorry I have found another Plugin to use
  16. I understand when i started making this mod i originally thought of contributing to Kethane and Karbonite.However Kethane is not very modder friendly and i am not thinking of ading scanning or other features like Karbonite this mod is designed to add resources and contribute to enhancing the gameplay not just changing it for example a new propellant for Jet Engines which makes them perform better,A new form of Science Experiment and other small but very noticable changes but thank you for the feedback it is much apprieciated also you were very kind in your reply and i will admit this is my first mod so it might not become as well known as Kethane and Karbonite
  17. Description Basic Resource adds new resources and gameplay changing features including life support and waste collection Current Features New resources New parts (using Squad models) Life Support Planned Features Download Options Download links coming soon guys! FAQ and other Questions Q: When will you update the mod? A: The mod is being developed by a small team led by me and we will attempt to update the mod on a weekly basis if nothing new is ready we are not going to push it through the development process, developing mods takes time Changelog Credits *Lowaltitude Resources, Parts *Okbillybunnyface Plugin *Squad Installation Instructions Uninstall older versions as they clash with the new version Download Basic Resource from one of the links provided Extract the Basic Resource folder to your GameData directory Close all folders and run KSP Feedback and Suggestions feel free to post any feedback or suggestions below
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