So I think i have come across a reputation bug of sorts and was wondering if any one else has noticed this....
I am currently in a new career and i am farming reputation. I accepted 4 separate contracts for "ferry a VIP to destination" the destination being kerbin orbit. The reputation i should get from each contract is 16, 17, 17 and 19 respectively netting me a total of 69 reputation (unless i'm math retarded and should stop playing KSP). So check my reputation before hand, 777, do the mission with my tourist orbital bus which holds all 4 kerbins, and afterwards i check my reputation and I have successfully netted a grand total of 9 reputation (being my total rep was 786 after the mission).
Does anyone have an explanation as to what is going on or has anyone else seen this?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: An update on that, I performed a retrieve science from orbit contract (net 5 rep) and a ferry 4 kerbins to orbit contract (net 31 rep) and i received 4 reputation for doing both contracts...