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Everything posted by extremez3r0

  1. Oh, I'm glad to hear that. But if anyone need help. I will love help this community. <3
  2. Sorry if here isn't the place for this. Hello Guys, my GF is a professional translator (pt-br <-> fr, pt-br <-> es). I was talking with her if she could help-us with the translation to PT-BR. She doesn't play the game, but I have more than 1k hours playing and I can make the translation revision. Do anyone there know if exists any effort or how to do it for 1.3? Maybe we could help you.
  3. Hahahah good adventure!!! =D No F9??? OMFG... I wate all my day getting almost all my kerbals lost from Dunna and so on... Cleaning my space center old ships and things like that... A lot of job! Now I have an Outpot on Dunna WORKING with 6 kerbals =D And the best: Adson, Bill and Bob Kerbal arrive at home at the time to stay with your grandsons on xmas hahaha =D Thanks guy! And merry xmas to you all!
  4. I DID!!!! I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D WHOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo I've used HyperEdit to land a new IDENTICAL ship at SAME POSITION with SAME AMOUNT OF FUEL! Transfer my astronauts to it and takeoff Thanks A LOT GUYS!!!!! =D Now just need go catch these guys on EVE orbit =D I made what NoPanShabuShabu told me! Use sepatron at pairs and EVA to help at finish! Thanks GUYS!
  5. Hi Guys! Thanks you all! I've read all replies. I will try this: But my asparagus not work anymore. How can I fix this? If I can't, I will use Hyper Edit. launch a new ship identical to the one in EVE (parts and fuel), and put at SAME place of other. Then I will lift-off with new ship Thanks. My time is short. I come back with good news tomorrow guys! Thanks a lot!
  6. Thank you guys, I've already done almost all you said. My land legs and parachutes are ejectables (i'm already ejected parachutes at this quicksave). I'm using toroidal aerospyke and an asparagus setup. But I'm thinking this ship is too heavy. And my TWR is lower than necessary, since it never gets close to final velocity at EVE. Ever still about a half of final velocity. I'm think that with this ship at this quicksave (3448m) is impossibly to get into stable orbit. Probably I will need land more high (4k) or use another ship. =( Any other tip? Thanks.
  7. Sorry if this is not the right board for this post. I'm new here and by all that I see is the best place to post it... Guys, I'm at a step of give up this mission... My 3 astronauts are in EVE for 49 years! I'm trying to rescue they since about August. I've wasted more than 110 hours in this ....ing mission, but I just CAN'T!!! I've read all tutorials "Returning from EVE", "Eve Atmosphere", ..., .... but I just CAN'T!!!! I don't want cheat, I don't want use mods... All I want is my astronauts in home alive =( This is my ship: I just want get this .... in an stable orbit around Eve with my 3 astronauts... just it! I'm landed almost on equator (0º 31' 2" N, 166º 38' 26" E) at 3448m Here is my quicksave: http://www.filedropper.com/quicksave I have another save before land this rescue ship here, but It will need a LOOOOOOOOOOOT of work to bring astrounauts to this ship after land. If someone will try, be carefull. Fist booster stage has a bit less fuel in one side than other side. Release fist booster stage 1 second before use all fuel to avoid ship lost control. Sorry for bad english. I'm practicing. Please help me guys... thanks a lot!
  8. Can I move post? Admins move? Or should delete and create a new?
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