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    Curious George
  1. I am attempting an apollo style Mun mission with a vessel that was basically a clone of Matt Lowne's apollo craft from the ESA event. I have two kerbals in the lander can and one in the command pod. I then launch into a suborbital trajectory and while in space, ditch the fairing, launch escape tower, and attempt to flip the command pod around and dock with the lander. I've noticed the following issues which are very repeatable 1) After decoupling the two parts of the craft, I can right click on the docking port of the command pod and "control from here" but when right clicking on the lander's docking port, it also says "control from here" instead of "set as target" 2) I can then switch back and forth between the two parts and eventually get both of them appropriately set for "control from here" on their own docking ports and "set as target" on the other docking port, but how many times I have to switch back and forth seems inconsistent 3) When I first switch to the lander can, sometimes the navball appears locked in place and no matter what inputs I give, it does not move 4) Sometimes, when I eventually get them both pointed at each other, the lander will go into an uncontrolled spin. Switching to that craft and turning off SAS allows me to stop the spin, but as soon as I stop providing roll input, it starts swinging and rolling out of control again. Quicksave immediately after decoupling the two halves and then repeated quickloading is required to have a chance at docking the crafts. If the navball appears locked at step 3, the uncontrollable rolling seems gauranteed to happen. save file immediately before decoupling can be found here for reproduction: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q6QfLPvFZcW6_00FyglkiS2MgE3PX0RO?usp=sharing
  2. This is easy enough to do. Create a new save, then exit the game. Now all you need to do is copy the tree.cfg file from the warpplugin folder under gamedata and paste that file in your save folder right next to the persistent.sfs.
  3. This was the single most frustrating thing about KSP to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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