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Posts posted by broberds

  1. I remember that with my version of Kethane.dll, kethan to fuel and oxygen conversion worked fine on a ship that I built in 0.25 and loaded in 0.90.

    I got a chance to do more testing last night. Turns out if I launch a new ship I created in 0.25, land at a kethane deposit and drill for kethane, then my converter generates fuel and oxidizer like it's supposed to. But my identical ship that was already on the Mun before I went to 0.90 is unable to convert kethane.

  2. Yup, drilling and converting both work fine.

    Thanks for checking. I hope I'm not one of the unlucky ones Kethane isn't going to work for anymore. Maybe it's a conflict with one of the five other mods I use; I feel a whole lot of testing coming on this weekend.

    BTW, my converter isn't part of the stack with the fuel tanks. They're connected (correctly) with fuel ducts. Don't know if that makes a diff.

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