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Everything posted by Monk-E-Boy

  1. They could put a Gagarin memorial in orbit, but what do you say to the poor guy whose rocket gets creamed by it?
  2. Precisely. After the P4, which was designed to not get a lot of work done in each clock cycle but have a very high clock rate to make up for it, they switched back to getting a lot done in each tick with a slower clock rate. A 1.4Ghz P3 could wipe the floor with a 2Ghz P4, and Pentium-M/Core/Core2/etc. CPUs are normally faster, clock-for-clock, than a P3 (with obligatory exclusions for Celeron, "Pentium G," etc. hobbled designs).
  3. It doesn't have to launch on there, but sales would be drastically lower if they didn't include it as a launch etailer so they'd be silly not to sell it through Steam.Also, in my experience, 90% of the anti-Steam crusaders arguments against Steam actually are factually incorrect. They ignore offline mode as if it doesn't exist, they ignore all the games that don't require Steam to be running in order to launch, they rely on outdated information (e.g. in 2008 Steam switched from IE to WebKit for their framework and a wide swath of "issues," which were caused by IE being infected with malware, vanished), they ignore the massive gain in sales by using the #1 digital download service in the world, etc.
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