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Everything posted by tossha

  1. I've found a solution that seems to work for me. I had this problem with cargo bay from this mod, not with fairings, but it should still work with them as well. Find your part in GameData, open its *.cfg file. Find the MODULE wich has "name = ModuleCargoBay" (probably the first line). It should be there. Change its "lookupRadius" to 0. Save the file and restart the game if it's running. Basically KSP has this radius to look for "stowed" parts, and we're just setting it to 0. Note that this will affect all of your vehicles (wich have this part) in all of your save files in current installation of KSP. This solution does not seem to affect aerodynamics, but I'm not sure about that. Let me know if yor tests show otherwise.
  2. Ok, here's my story. I've sent an Apollo-style mission to Duna, and I even haven't forgot any decouplers or probe cores. Landing went well, I did the science and started the ascent to meet with the interplanetary stage in orbit. But as it turned out I did some calculation wrong and I was lacking about 500m/s of delta v to catch up with the ship. At that point I didn't have enough fuel to land back so went it ran out I quickly went EVA, grabbed all the experiments with me and started to use my own jetpack. Then there was a very intense journey to the ship with lots of going back and forth between the main view and the map view and I barely made it with literally 0.05 fuel left out of 5 I had. And then I realized that I can either go home right now or wait another 1.5 years. The problem was that I didn't have enough delta v for the first option, so I had to use the jetpack again. And I've decided to go for it, just for the fun of it. Kerbal way, right? So now I have a kerbal doing an interplanetary flight in a spacesuit with about 0.10 fuel left and I will have to slow him down about 3km/s to get him into orbit. I've managed to reduce that number a little by using moon gravity assist. So now I'm working on a ship that will orbit Kerbin somewhere around Minmus and have about 7km/s to catch up with the kerbal, let him in and then slow down. Wish me luck ^^
  3. Well, you did a fantastic job with this tree, it must have been difficult to fit all those mods nicely in one tree. That being said, i have a suggestion I'm relatively new to KSP and i don't know what's the deal with it, but for me it doen't make any sense at all to start with a manned pod, THEN research some basic life-support and THAT should give me access to first unmanned probes. If a player is assumed to have life support installed, how can one get a manned pod before the actual life support? And i really like Better Than Starting Manned in that way, where you have a basic probe and some basic sensors to get started. Come on, barometers and thermometers were invented about 300 years before first rockets, does a space center really need to develop that technology? I think the only way to go in the early game is to have these basic science intruments along with a basic probe and antenna, and build from there. And also parachutes and life support should be researched before the first manned pod, because the logic says that these things are just a part of it. And that way you can first test your parachutes with probes before using them with actual greenpeople. Aside from that the tree looks great and i wish you best of luck with further development.
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