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Everything posted by Mastermind

  1. Thank you for the welcome and reply Launching the game with the provided flag (as is also seen in your Linux thread) does not yield any favorable results. The issue persists. How long a period of time should I allow to pass before creating an issue on the KSP bug tracker? Best Regards, Mastermind
  2. KSP Version: v0.24.2.559 Arch Linux x64 - Steam What Happens: Game stutters/lags horribly when moving around the camera Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock Steps to Replicate: 1) Move around the camera Result: Game stutters/lags horribly Fixes/Workarounds: - None Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files: - Rest of game runs fine (e.g. launching a rocket) as long as the camera angle is not being adjusted - Kernel version 3.16.2 - HD6950 with open-source Radeon drivers - Same issue with catalyst drivers - Nothing interesting in Steam console output - Player logfile: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0a4df6c0dbd3dc845ca0 - (Quick) Video (keep an eye on the height counter): I expirience this issue as game-breaking and find myself unable to play the game. Looking forward to replies.
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