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Everything posted by mostevil

  1. I wanted to know (roughly) how long my transfer burns needed to be without adding nodes but it didn't seem to be there so I fudged this on the protractor. (pasted in the MNODEBURNTIMESECS using the targetdeltav and abs() because it came out negative, super lazy but it seemed to work!) case "TARGETBODYBURNTIMESECS": if (totalMaximumThrust > 0 && actualAverageIsp > 0) return Math.Abs(actualAverageIsp * (1 - Math.Exp(targetBodyDeltaV / actualAverageIsp / gee)) / (totalMaximumThrust / (totalShipWetMass * gee))); return double.NaN; Any room for this or have I missed something obvious? It's over estimating by about 10% on a simple munar transfer, not sure if thats targetbodydeltav being wrong for that calculation or just the natural error from the calcuation (I'm perfectly happy with it if its not flat out wrong, I just wanted to know when roughly to light the candle). My lovely wip transfer page: Adding variants of each page with information for a specific task is making it all much easier for me. That graphical oribt view is very yummy btw! It feels to me that pressing auto a few times to cycle pages would be better than using the cursors to select between autojeb modes (ORBIT, TARGET, Manoeuvre etc)
  2. From what Chrs is describing I'm fairly sure he's having the issue I see with too many parts present. If it shows no devices try moving the plugin folders out and see if it still then finds it. I can't see the x55 not having Direct Input support, it might need two entries to handle the throttle unit. It finds it through DirectInput so it will bind to the vJoy device, assuming an entry is created in the config.ini However this can invert and specify dead zones so there's not really much call for using both together.
  3. I think you only need a partial match on the controller name, but if you take the name from the windows "Setup USB Game Controllers" it should be right. If you have lots of plugins try without them. There's an issue I'm seeing, where if lots of plugins load the AltInput plugin initialises late and something else snaps up the joysticks. That leads to a no controller found message. I get it when B9 is present. If its saying version 0.0 of the config is found that usually means the config files not found/not in the correct folder. I've made a few tweaks to give more meaningful feedback... if Akeo will have me, but I'm new to the whole github collaborative thing On the B9 thing it seems to be parts related, it seems it's not a conflict with another dll. I'm getting it with spaceplane+ too. I'm not sure yet if its just volume of parts a specific type of part or something more esoteric that upsets things.
  4. Shiny, I'll take a look if I can get my customers off my back for long enough.
  5. It can't find the config.ini, mine didn't work till I moved it to Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\PluginData\AltInput The docs are a little unclear on where things need to go. I'm having an issue where it fails to find the joystick if there are certain plugins (maybe number of plugins?) present. When I remove B9 it usually works, B9 is pretty huge so that might be why. I have mechjeb, ferram, procedural fairings, Texture Replacer and Raster Prop Monitor. Adding B9 to this means it doesn't find the stick. For tweaking config it would be awesome if it re-read the file on entering flight mode, then you could just use "revert to launch" to test. Currently seems to reaquire the stick but changes to the config don't seem to reflect without going through the full slow re-loading process. Perhaps a key combination to scan and re-aquire the stick might solve both issues?? I'm using a Thrustmaster T.16000m, I've just edited your sidewinder entry but haven't got as far as testing anything beyond basic flight axes yet. Debuging different plugin configurations takes ages because of KSP's go make a cup of tea load times [global] ; The version of the AltInput syntax used by this config file Version = 1.3 [input1] Name = T.16000M Interface = DirectInput Class = GameControl DeadZone = 0.1 ; Mappings for each game mode. For now, these can be 'Flight', 'AltFlight' ; or 'Ground'. If no mode section is specified, 'Flight' is assumed. [input1.Flight] ; List of axes for this controller AxisX = yaw AxisY = pitch RotationZ = roll Slider1 = mainThrottle Slider1.Inverted = true ; List of POVs for this controler ; When an axis is being used, as opposed to a button action, a number ; needs to be specified in brackets, indicating the value (-1.0 to 1.0) ; that the axis should take when this POV position is reached. ; You can also append '.Delta' to the action (on the right part) if you want ; to specify the delta by which the value should be increased from its ; current value, instead of an absolute value. See further for an example. POV1.Up = Y [+1.0] POV1.Down = Y [-1.0] POV1.Left = X [-1.0] POV1.Right = X [+1.0] ; List of Buttons Button1 = switchMode Button2 = toggleLights Button3 = switchView Button4 = toggleMapView Button5 = Z [+1.0] Button6 = Z [-1.0] Button7 = toggleSAS Button8 = toggleRCS Button9 = activateStaging ; Alternate flight mode [input1.AltFlight] Button2 = toggleGears Button5 = increaseWarp Button6 = decreaseWarp Button8 = toggleBrakes ; Controls for post landing/splashing [input1.Ground] AxisX = wheelSteer AxisX.Inverted = true Slider1 = wheelThrottle Button2 = activateBrakes Button5 = wheelThrottle.Delta [-0.1] Button6 = wheelThrottle.Delta [+0.1] Button8 = toggleBrakes
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