Hello tobyb121, it is a great mod and i would like help you improve it. I am having exactely the same problem as Mauzdar: when i click on the show galaxies button, only a cross appears at the exact same location as in Mauzdars screenshot. http://i.imgur.com/U2psMkh.png I am currently using Tarsier Space Tech 4.5b, but the problem already has existed since galaxies were first added in 4.5a. I am using KSP 0.24.2 and all mods listed at least as compatible with Realism Overhaul in RO thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84689. I am NOT using the actual Realism Overhaul mod. Additionally i am using parts of the EVE 7-4 mod. Regarding logs, i would like to provide you some, but i do not know what logs you need and where to find them. If you tell me that i ll get you the logs ASAP.