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Bottle Rocketeer
The 12.0 change was pretty big and had to fix a lot of things in a big hurry to make it compatible with 24.2, so the log for it wasn't very descriptive. The contract system as-is is very new and kinda boring imo. Part costs for some KSPI parts are off by a bit too, to be balanced in the future I'm sure. For now it seems like Fractal is working on new parts/fixing and developing resources and menus. My recommendation is to play on Sandbox for now, if you want to build anything too far outside of stock. In my Career game i hit a point where if I was going to keep doing cool KSPI missions, I was going to have to spend a huge amount of time sending silly contract missions to random places I'd already been to fund it.
Wanna give an example of this? I've had no experience where KSPI parts are any less solid than other addon or stock parts. I have the sneaking suspicion you are just building craft that require struts to begin with, then blaming the parts, in which case get over it and use struts (they exist for a reason). Side note: KJR doesn't reinforce joints anymore unless you're messing with the config file manually. The stock game does what it used to do. Now all it does is slow physics loads when coming out of warp or loading a craft (which is still invaluable!).
1.) I doubt so. Fractal seems to really like the idea of reactor space being a limited resource and not having a single ship to meet every need until really late game at least. 2.) ISRU options seem a bit buggy/in flux right now, with Fractal saying he's trying to revamp the menus and such. No personal experience with water though, sorry. 3.) I'd try Karbonite. I dont know much about mods but I'm pretty sure it's open source and uses the same ORS architecture that fractal developed for KSPI, so it makes sense in my head that it's drills would be an easy port. Link: http://bobpalmer.github.io/UmbraSpaceIndustries/ Cool news about the changes to fusion, Fractal. I'm underwhelmed by magnetic nozzles since I never really was a fan of any of the low-thrust/high efficiency options and sort of fail to see how this will be much different than using a fusion reactor with He3 to power a generator and thus plasma (except without the option to use beamed power), but I'm sure it will be tweaked to be unique and I may be totally wrong and learn to love it. I am however stoked to hear about other tweaks to fusion power, what with fixing He3 (will the cryostats still auto-evaporate even when powered whenever He3 is used as fuel in a reactor?) and all. Glad to see you're still pumping out the good stuff!
Does anyone know of a way to view the current fuel mode of the green fission reactors? Currently in the VAB I am looking at 3 reactors that have Thorium fuel, which was added when I hit swap fuel, but when I launch them 2 are Uranium and there is no way to switch this outside the VAB... Where you never really know the mode they're in This might be a problem with symmetry since I added 3 of them using three way sym, then clicked swap fuel on one of them, which added thorium fuel to all 3, but really only swapped the mode of the first one it would seem. Guess I'll rebuild without symmetry.
Also was playing around with fission reactors and the power seems to decay very quickly when using UF4 as a fuel. The wiki states that this should only happen with Thorium. I understand that it may just be outdated, but if so then what is the point of ever using Uranium when Thorium give better power anyways? Edit: It seems the threshold for thorium to start losing power is about 1/2 the amount of actinides of Uranium, so there is a difference. However this is kind of pointless since even the shortest interplanetary windows will cause both types of fuel to hit this threshold, thus putting them back in the same boat. Also when attempting to get the in-line ISRU refinery to reprocess nuclear fuels without a depleted fuels can available, it will display the error message once, but then work if you simply keep clicking it. I guess it just decides to vent them after a bit!
Fractal, I have a few bugs to report: Radial helium 3 cryostats lose helium at a similar rate to when they are unpowered, if they are used to fuel a Fusion reactor (tested on 2.5m). When the reactor is used with D/T, no losses are present, yet if switched to a mode where it uses H3, the H3 is burned at almost 10x the rate that it is supposed to be, which seems to be exactly the sum of the amount burned in the fusion process along with the amount that evaporates if you leave the cryostats unpowered. I'd say they aren't getting power since the Megajoules power manager only shows enough energy being produced to fuel the fusion reactor, but it also says that if you burn D/T which causes no helium losses to evaporation. Just odd overall and makes H3 pretty much worthless as a fuel option. Next up is the credit price of a few items, namely antimatter containers. The 1.25 one costs -48,188,400 credits... Which you can then recover the craft and wind up with getting it back as a gamebreakingly positive amount. Which is the only way to afford the 2.5m antimatter bottle, which is 385,533,800, and the 3.75 is similar. All of these say 0 credit cost until you try to put them on a craft, which is a stark contrast to the H3 cryostat which says it costs a ton but doesn't actually on the craft. Also maybe to note is the extreme cost of the warp drives, with exception of the 2.5m one which is about 40% of the cost of the other two sizes. I am sure pricing is very low priority since it's a pretty much trivial and uninteresting part of the game right now, but if the antimatter pricing was fixed so that it could be utilized in career mode, I would be pleased. That's all I have for now, hopefully I wasn't too rambling and made my points. Thanks for your continued hard work and let me know if I can provide any more info!
Have to copy the tree.cfg file from the WarpPlugin folder in the mod file directly into your save file and delete the notree.cfg file. Not sure why Fractal hasn't put this on the front page/FAQ since it's been this way since 0.12. Any way about it, it's a quick fix. Ignore the treeloader update stuff. Apparently Treeloader is still needed for the mod to work right, even though it doesn't load the tree cfg at all, if I understnad correctly.
@Magion: I've had some weird issues with reactors not outputting to their full abilities too, not even in an asymmetrical setup like that. Usually switching fuel modes to LFO or something briefly and then back helps. Sometimes I need to have the reactor shut down instead, which is easier said than done with the fission reactors. @Thorbane: I had my 2.5m fusion reactor work like a charm on a long mission with all fuel modes the other day... Can I ask what size you are using and if you have been sure to add H3 cryostats to your craft?
Disregard my previous post, the same ModuleElementRadioactiveDecay bug that used to be in the D/T radial cryostats is still present with the Gekko 62.5 cm fusion engine. MODULE { name = ModuleElementRadioactiveDecay decayConstant = 1.7915586e-9 resourceName = Tritium decayProduct = LqdHelium3 convFactor = 1 Should of coruse be LqdTritium, as it is in other places. As is, causes a blackscreen on all launches until you go back to the main menu, same as the old D/T cryostat.
If you dont have the fuel, it wont work. In the VAB you can use the tweakable to up it's Tritium (starts at 0), otherwise it wont have anything to run off of since it's default mode is Deuterium Tritium fusion. Not sure exactly why fractal has decided to make things work this way - I'm assuming that tritium is supposed to be hard to come by and you're supposed to have to breed it in other reactors before being able to use it, but that's just my speculation.
Sounds like you need to reinstall KSPI. If you converted from KSPI-L or an old version you need to make sure you delete the old mod folders before unpacking the new ones. Also other mods might be messing with things and you might try the game with everything but KSPI running, although I can say I have no problems with the good amount that I run.
That's great to hear Fractal! I'm sorry that I didn't originally say anything about how glad I am that you are back before I started with my criticism. I just started playing again after a very long absence myself about a week ago and find it very fortuitous that you have come back so soon after! KSPI is like a borderline rebuild to this game and makes things so much more fun after you've gotten the stock experience down decently well. I tried my hand at KSPI-Lite and while I did appreciate a lot of the work done by Wavefunction to make it more understandable (it took a lot of wiki/forum lookup and practical testing to get the hang of KSPI originally), I didn't like a lot of the simplification that he did - it felt like just a new parts pack or something instead of a near rebuild like I'd been enjoying with your original version. I am very much excited for future fixes and if it develops even more then that's just fantastic!
It's hard to understand and with this interim version there are a few extra bits of difficulty that you wont get unless you've been following this mod/thread extensively... To start: Current version has a problem with Tritium breeding, so you cant do it unless you want to back search this thread a bit and find a fix or wait for a new version. Tokamak fusion reactors that require deuterium/tritium fuel have been switched in this new version to not carry D/T fuel onboard, so you need to add a cryostat of come sort to your ship. Unfortunately, the radial cryostats break the game into oblivion (your save will go blackscreeen until you restart the game any time the part is attached to the ship). There is also a fix for this a few pages back in this thread, if you are ambitious, or Fractal has said he will fix it in the next version. Even if you apply the fix though, you need to use the tweakables in the VAB to add the Tritium fuel though, since it will not be in the radial cryostats to begin with (not sure if intended, as in it's supposed to be a hard to get resource that you have to breed, or another bug that's slipping through versions). Right now we're working with the first version Fractal's put out in quite some time due to his recent resurgence, so hopefully a few more things will be working soon. Good on him for making such a quick update! But of course that means certain temporary bugs.
Is it intentional that the Hybrid Thermal Turbojets dont seem to be able to activate 100% of a nuclear reactor's output? If so I understand, it's kinda of OP to have them use the full force since it seems like they were designed for aircraft/SSTO use, but I was just curious since I can only seem to get Nuclear Generators to output 25% with them. Altogether there seems to be a good bit of unexplained (without severe testing) behavior regarding the %output of nuke reactors.