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Posts posted by JeSuisPret

  1. Hi,

    I created an account here a long time ago but I never posted anything until this week. This forum is great! I'm from Montreal, Canada. I play KSP since version 0.23, and I love how the game keeps getting better.


  2. Hi everyone!

    I just completed an expedition with a small ship (32.6 T) that was designed to visit the Mun, Minmus, Gilly, Ike and Duna. I have refueling stations on Minmus, Gilly and Ike, and those have been very useful for this mission. My goal was to give a lot of XP to my two crew members (an engineer and a scientist) who have never been into space. Patrice and Kevin are not exactly "tourists" but my ship has a Mk2 probe core so they didn't have to work at all (they were on vacation ok?! :wink:).

    My trip : Kerbin / Station in LKO / Mun / Minmus / Gilly / Minmus / Ike / Duna / Ike / Minmus / Station in LKO / Kerbin.

    I sometimes refueled in orbit, but I landed on every planet at least once.

    My ship wasn't designed to return on Kerbin (it was supposed to remain docked at my orbital station), but I tried to land for the sake of this challenge. The huge solar panels didn't survive the reentry but the rest of the ship is ok.

    Here's the link to my album : http://imgur.com/a/iNPBv#0. Have a nice day!

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