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Posts posted by Zaddy23

  1. Thanks, I'm gonna play around with them now. Contrary to realism I'm actually kinda tempted to remove the lower altitude limit and just boost the combustion velocity, because I'm curious as to what cruising around sea level at Mach five is like now.

  2. I've got a few questions: Is there an AJE config? And does it just use the stock turboramjet model directly

    The answers are I don't know what that is, and yes, it is an exact duplicate basically.

    Interesting that Kerbol has oxygen in it's atmosphere, this may require through investigation! I have just tested this with RSS and RO, and it works wonders for the spaceplane industry, I can tell you that!

  3. The scaling effects on Kerbin don't leave that much of a gap for a scramjet to fill.

    Sadly yes, but I like the idea of an engine that if you get it going properly, it goes like there's no tomorrow (as you can see the engine produces no thrust until around about 10km and 900odd m/s, but once those criteria are met it becomes vastly more powerful than the two TurboRamjets). I originally made this as a sort of engine to do suborbital hops with. Where you power up the engines once you reach the critical speed and fling yourself to the other side of kerbin. It'll also help keep the mass down on large SSTOs, as a bajillion TurboRamjets will no longer be needed to get them up to speed.

  4. Hello! A few of you may remember this post where I discussed some of the issues encountered with creating a Scramjet, well now I have ironed out most of the kinks and am ready for the first public test of my first ever part! :confused:

    I am now looking for people to try it out in new and interesting ways which I haven't thought of yet. (I.E. slamming it into the Mun for science, flying it around on Laythe etc.)

    Download link is >Here<

    Quick demo video:

    Please do not hesitate to report any bugs/suggestions you might have, and if anyone is willing to teach me how to model and texture properly, I'm all ears!

    Licence: CC-BY-SA

  5. Last time I went to Ablate, it had to be done from an orbit lower than Moho's.

    Maybe put a refuelling station in orbit around Moho, and then take Kron 5 and refuel at moho before continuing on to Ablate?

    EDIT: or maybe even have some form of refuelling system built in to Kron 5 so that a lander can land, start mining, launch again, and when Kron 5 is in Ablate's shadow you can convert the ore to fuel (since last I heard the converters produce heat like crazy.)

  6. Hello! I've decided to tentatively dip my feet into the vast ocean that is this game's modding community, and for my first mod I decided to make a Scramjet style engine. (Basically a high thrust jet engine that only works at speeds above mach 3 and altitudes above 10km) I took the stock turbojet, and changed the .cfg file atmosphere and velocity curves so it now looks like this:

    key = 0 0 0 0
    key = 0.2 0 0 0
    key = 0.72 0 0 0
    key = 1.36 0 0 0
    key = 2.15 0.1 0 0
    key = 3 3 0 0
    key = 4.5 5 0 0
    key = 5.5 0 0 0
    key = 0 0 0 0
    key = 0.045 0.5 0 0
    key = 0.16 0.5 0 0
    key = 0.5 0.001 0 0
    key = 1 0 0 0

    What I'd like to know is how should I change the final two values on each column, I made them zero just so I could see the numbers better, but I don't know what they actually do. Can anyone explain them to me? The values I have put seem to work, but there are hard cut-offs instead of smooth transitions. As in, the engine immediately leaps up from not working to suddenly working when mach 3 and 10km altitude is reached, and vice versa for the speed.

    Any ideas?

  7. Maybe 0 0 ; 0.0025 0 ; 0.018 1 ; 0.135 0 ?

    Okay, Thanks for replying! I will try these values when I next get a chance to play KSP.

    Love the Tintin reference btw, that book in particular was awesome.

    EDIT: okay, I have plugged in the values, and as with the velocity graph I made the tangents 0, for simplicity's sake. It seems to work fairly well, as it gives no thrust until about mach 2.8 and is above 8.4km, which is acceptable to me. Although looking back on it I did have fun cruising around at sea level at speeds to impress the SR-71, so now I'm wondering if I should change it so that that is still possible. :sticktongue:

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