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    CEO of FSD
  1. Question 3. Use something called BDArmory, it adds in a bunch of cool missiles
  2. Your wheels are not directly down, causing the wheels to want to go in the wrong direction, as in all the wheels going in different directions
  3. Video is uploaded, working on my next craft
  4. Watch The Video, it explains everything RULES 1. Stock Body Work 2. Any Wheels (That are not warp wheels or anything stupid) 3. Must Record/Pictures the attempt 4. Must Recording building the vehicle 5. MUST BE BUILT BY YOU! 6. Drag from where you spawn to the end of the runway (end will be stripes) 7. MET is your timer (allows warp) 8. Post Time + Pictures + Recording 9. Have Fun ;3 My Attempt 1 2:04 with The Bullet
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