With the kerbonaut experience system, when you send a kerbonaut to a place (e.g. Mun), he gets exp from going there, landing, planting a flag, etc. But the exp is only granted when you land him back on Kerbin, allowing him to level up. Currently, there is no way I can tell if some kerbal in a ship already landed on Mun or not, without bringing the guy back home. Now I have this situation in wich I have a dozen of kerbals in orbit, some in ships, some in space stations, each one from different "generations", and I easily forget who already was at Minmus and Mun and other places, so I could bring them back to Kerbin and send them to new distant missions with the required experience. For example, I want to build a colony on Laythe, but it is important to send an engineer that already know how to fix wheels. Looking at the persistent.sfs file, we can see that there is a CAREER_LOG, that records the exp that the kerbal already got from going back home, and there is the FLIGHT_LOG, that shows what he already did but is yet to be granted as exp when he lands on Kerbin. What I propose is an in-flight window where you can list all your kerbals, giving information about where he is at the moment, skills and level, (like in the Astronaut Complex), and also expand his Career Log and Flight Log, showing what he already done, what was already granted as exp and what is waiting him to go home to be granted. Also would be interesting if you could select one kerbal and have the option jump to the craft where he is. I was planning this to be my first mod, but after researching a little I discovered that first I must learn to program in C, something that is not possible right now. From what I saw it is not as "simple" as making a new part. So I would like to know if someone already had this idea, if there is someone already developing it or if it would be difficult to make.