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Mad Mike

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Everything posted by Mad Mike

  1. Centrifugal force would be your first concern. The planet would rip itself apart as soon as parts of it start reach orbital velocity. If you somehow managed to keep the planet together at relativistic speeds, you'd start to have all sorts of fun with time dilation. An hour at the equator might be years at the poles, for instance. All in all, probably not a good plan.
  2. Implement NEAR (Ferram Aerospace without the hardcore-er aspects) as the stock aero model.
  3. Hermin Kerman, Oring ("o-ring") Kerman, and Anney Kermin are my favorites thus far.
  4. My sister's first time playing KSP went something like this: "I just need a really big rocket to get into orbit." *stacks ALL THE ROCKETS onto each other* *burns directly upward, no gravity turn* *reaches escape velocity while still in the atmosphere of Kerbin*
  5. (First post, yay!) My best fail thus far was also one of my first. I didn't quite have the concept of deltaV down yet, so my Munar Lander was a little understocked for fuel and ended up stranded after landing. I ended up having to send up a separate rescue craft - basically, the original lander with all the science instruments and living quarters replaced with fuel and a probe core for unmanned flying. Not quite knowing how to land accurately, I set her down on the wrong side of the crater, and had to EVA my crew across to board. Jeb and Bob made it okay, but Bill managed to run out of EVA fuel about a kilometer over the crater. In Pace Requiescat, Bill Kerman.
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