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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Smiling Marvin played Kerbal Space Program. WTFBBQ
  2. Granted, but just because something is fun doesn't mean that it's being done right. I want a pony.
  3. All true! TUBM likes making lists.
  4. Banned for not preserving history!
  5. "Duty to country" and all that jazz?
  6. How do you plan to test the dogfighting? With BD? BD's autopilot is cool, but it can't do some of the things a human can, like scissoring or slightly letting up in a turn and making the opponent shoot past you. From what I've tried, it will always go to the most maneuverable plane or the one with the most fuel. I've had fights where I had two planes turning for hours on end, and no dice either way. Also, the flare system needs work.
  7. Oh my. Sitting in front, Frank shouted horrible utterances. UHOHOHMY
  8. Naw, I don't think so. You're not as good as the positives.
  9. And chatting with Danny2462. Ignoring physics
  10. Ok. So, I can either add more control surfaces or move the main wing (and thus CoL) slightly forward. If I add control surfaces, I run up against the weight requirement. If I move the CoL, they plane becomes too maneuverable, and will spin out at High-alpha, and will lose too much energy in regular turns. Which one do you want? The EFT goes inside the weapons bay. It takes the spot of 2 bombs, so two bombs total instead of 4. The bay gave me a lot of trouble, especially with the ARAAM- they like to blow up. As far as I know, you can only use it for bombs (all three types), the EFT, or low-altitude stealth Kerbal insertion- see James Bond. I think that it can also be used for ground refueling, too, if I put a docking port in it. Again, it's main function would be ground attack, as the missiles don't like the 1.25 adapter. Are there extra points if the entire thing is ground-refuel and rearm-able? Say, EFTs and hardpoints attached to docking ports? (Will definitely turn up the weight, tho.) Are there points for in-air refueling?
  11. Howdy, pardner! The code for imgur albums is [noparse] [/noparse]For all other images, it is [noparse][/noparse] If you want to add a linked picture, it is [noparse]picture URL here (no uploads from your computer!!)[/noparse]
  12. 14. Pretty even mix of "I asked" and "they asked." Lots of scouts.
  13. Banned for being a quack masquerading as a doctor. And doubly banned for 1,243 posts, not 1,234.
  14. Nope. NASA, BSA, Etc. I love 'em! TUBM knows the ∆-v equation off of the top of their head.
  15. Banned for the same reason as Red Iron Crown.
  16. Eating snacks. skipping school.
  17. No, this is not politics. Memorial Day is about those who died, not whether or not you agree or disagree with the cause they died for. It is designed to be a tribute to America's war dead, not the wars themselves.
  18. Same! It such an easy award to get, especially if you have been in for more than 2 years, but nobody knows about it! I mean, it's only a few more nights than needed for OA! I also have: My religious award Messengers of Peace Varsity Scout Letter 7 (going on 8) year tenure pin as a scout a silver device for my NOA- Camping Union League of Philadelphia Good Citizenship Award Other things I've done- FSR camp staff, 2013 2010 Nat'll Jambo, Troop 532 2013 National Jambo, Troop C234, Patrol leader (Flaming Stickmen ) Current SPL in my troop. Going to Philmont this summer, 629C3, COLBSA contingent
  19. No. I wink, but I am not all the kerbs. Endersmens?
  20. I'm from the k^s^p dimension. Welcome to my world.
  21. Because everyone knew what he meant. Whipper of stars?
  22. Granted, but the world only exists in 2 dimensions, so there are no cubes. I wish for math.
  23. joshwoo69 plays KSP. Thinking.
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