My entry: Custom Fighter Mk. 2! My original design pulled waaaay too many G's, and had two howitzers in addition to the main gun. Even Jeb hated it! This one has an internal bay, suitable for an (internal) External Fuel Tank, and can also carry two Mk. 82 bombs internally. DO NOT put missiles internally!! It WILL BLOW UP! The 12- count 'em- external hardpoints are suitable for attaching missiles and bombs. The standard Air-to-Air load-out is (mirrored, from wingtip in): AIM-9, AIM-9, AIM-9, AIM-120 ARAAM, AIM-120 ARAAM, PAC-3 SAM. It comes in at exactly 15 tons according to the report, and is less than 45,000. You wanted STOL? I give you STOL. It takes off at ~50 m/s with full flaps and slats, bound to 4 and 5 respectively. Deploy slats only during takeoff and landing. It is also easy to maintain- no need to intstall tons on mods, it's all stock+ BD. Try not to go faster than Mach 2, or you'll heat up too much. Enjoy! http://www./download/5r0b64krbd5jsme/Custom+Fighter+Mk2+EXT.craft