With 0.25 out, I'm sure we've all had lots of fun with the destructible buildings. Since the VAB seems to be among the toughest of them, I want to see who can bring it down with the smallest craft. So the rules are really simple: 1. The winner is whoever can destroy the VAB with the craft of smallest mass 2. Only the mass of whatever impacts the VAB count against your score (Anything that lifts/carries it doesn't count so long as it doesn't hit) 3. Stock parts only! The only mod allowed is Kerbal Engineer to find the mass. 4. Please post the following pics as proof: Craft inside the VAB (with Engineer so we can see the mass), hitting the VAB. 4b. Or just post a video if you prefer. That's all. I hope you have fun with it! To get things going, here's an attempt I made: There's my ship, weighing in at 27,040kg There it goes! And there goes the engine as the building starts to come down! So there you go: 27,040 kg was my score. Who can go lower?