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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Part 11. Eeloo and Home In this part we finally get to Eeloo and finish the mission by returning to Kerbin. I hope you have enjoyed reading about this adventure. I had a good time posting it! Feel free to leave comments and questions.
  2. Part 10. Moho and Minmus In this exciting installment the crew of Columbia voyaged from Gilly to Moho. Then, realizing they made an accounting error, they flew back to Kerbin to put a flag on Minmus. In the next installment we will travel to Eeloo and finish the grand tour!
  3. Part 9. Eve and Gilly When you are at Jool it is very tempting to go that little bit further to Eeloo. The problem is, Eeloo was slightly behind Jool when I wanted to go therefore it would have taken about 3 years for even a poor launch window to open. Well, this trip is about the grand tour in a minimal time so I didn't wait. Instead I headed in system to do Eve and Moho. Then I would replan for Eeloo. Next time, onto Moho!
  4. Part 8. Pol and Bop In this installment the crew of Columbia leaves Vall and heads to Pol and Bop! Compared the Tylo and Vall this should be a piece of cake! Turns out the crew had some ways to make it more challenging. Next time, a very fast trip to Eve and Gilly!
  5. Part 7. Tylo and Vall This next part covers the retrieval of the distiller module sent from Kerbin, the landing on Tylo and the landings on Vall. Next comes Pol and Bop!
  6. Part 6. Asteroids and Laythe In this part the crew of Columbia rendezvoused with an Asteroid around Jool and then set out to explore Laythe. Next part is the infamous Tylo and the, um, not as infamous Vall!
  7. Part 5. Dres and Jool Arrival This album picks up just after Dres arrival. The intention is to refuel here and explore the Grand Canyon. After that we set course for Jool. Coming up next is exploring the Jool system!
  8. Part 4. Mun, Duna and Ike In this album I finally get the Grand Tour mission underway! First is a stop at Mun to get the crew, then we head for Duna and Ike. Coming up is Dres!
  9. Part 3. Design and Construction In this part I illustrate various designs of the main ship, plus the various landers and rovers. Coming up is the beginning of the Grand Tour!
  10. Part 2. SSTOs, Mun Pillaging and Rovers. Here's my next mission installment. In this episode I pillaged the Mun for tasty science and experimented with SSTOs and Rovers. Coming up is the design phase for the Grand Tour ship!
  11. Greetings, I've been playing KSP since 23.5 in June. I estimate I have played 500+ hours. When I updated to 0.24 I started a new career with the objective to plant a flag on every planet and moon in KSP except Eve. This is the story of that mission. Some of the mods include: Karbonite Aviation Lights (looks very very cool to light up the ship in darkness) Docking Alignment Tool Alcor Pod Precise Node Modular rocket system (only the large atomic engine) Speedy's Hex Truss system Mechjeb Kerbal Engineer Scansat Atmosphere Enhancement mod Custom Biomes Distant Object View DMagic science parts pack Kerbal Foundries (for the wheels) Hyper Edit (just to test some things in orbit) I was using version 24.2 in 64 bit mode on Window 8.1. I didn't have many glitches once in flight but I had lots of crashing while building in the VAB. A few ground rules I set myself. 1. I used Mechjeb to fly long boring interplanetary burns. However I plotted every maneuver myself and did all other flying myself. 2. I wanted to do this mission as quickly as possible (in game time). Therefore efficiency is not important, only speed. 3. Using Karbonite I wanted the mission to refuel along the way, so no supply missions needed. 4. There will be 6 Kerbals going but I wanted them to have lots of living space. No crammed into small capsules for 10+ years. 5. I don't like the game to run slow so part count is consideration #1. 6. Science is not important. (I know this is blaspheme). I started with the usual missions to start building money and tech. I mapped the Mun using Scansat tech and decided to get most of my science from there. As a bonus, I could try out various lander and rover concepts. Part 1. Getting Ready This phase was me trying to establish a Mun base to fulfill a contract. Along the way I tried out mining with Karbonite, and tried to build a generic cargo lander. I am including this because I wanted to show why I made certain design choices on the mission. After this phase I had a plan ready to get the rest of the science from the Mun. There is a lot more to come! I will add more to this thread daily.
  12. Thank ObsessedWithKSP, I was suspecting something like that. I too shall force completion and carry on.
  13. Hey great mod Arsonide! I'm having trouble completing a rover mission on Vall. I'm parked pretty much on top of the waypoint and I have seen the "approaching beginning scanning for anomolies" message. Trouble is, it does not mark the waypoint as having been scanned. I've done these missions before with a different rover so I know the mod works. Here are my details, I hope you can help. 64bit ksp 24.2 on win 8.1. Fine print version 57 Lots of mods but the pertinent one probably is Kerbal Foundries because I'm using those awesome wheels with the suspension. I know mechjeb doesn't like them, maybe your mod doesn't either? I have never done a rover contract with these wheels. The debug log only shows 2 perhaps relevant messages. [Log]: [Rover 1 L]: ground contact! - error: -0.015m [Log]: dT is NaN! tA: 5.75720381736755, E: 0, M: 0, T: NaN The dT message happens a lot whenever I click anywhere in the map view and also when I select a waypoint. I also notice that the "approaching message" does not mention the specific waypoint (Pilot's Gambit Alpha) just the waypoint group name. Not sure if that's normal. Can I provide any more information? Thanks very much for your time. I know you just do this in your spare time but know it is improving many people's enjoyment of the game.
  14. Ah ok I found it. The fuel tanks were in fact disabled. I didn't do it and I also found a few other fuel tanks around my ship in the same state. Weird. Thanks much for the help folks!
  15. Sure here are some pics. The probe is a small cube probe body with jr docking port on top. Then a Z-1k battery (1000 units) a rcs tank, 2 inline xenon tanks then the sar SCANSAT radar on the end. I used cubic struts on the sides to put the engines. Like i said, this design has worked so far. I have some screenshots but I'll take better ones when I get home. I wonder if the problem is activating the engines before detatching? Maybe it's setting the xenon source to the main ship?
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