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Posts posted by NASAengineer

  1. Hey guys

    So i just updated to 1.0.5 and MechJeb isn't working. I know this has been asked before, and I'm aware that there is a site I can go to to get the new MechJeb Mod. But the problem is I am an idiot with computers. I know how to install a mod, and thats about it. I just want to make sure that when I update MechJeb, all my existing flights with MechJeb parts won't get destroyed (this happened when I was trying to use Karbonite and I did some dumb stuff). Anyways, basically what I'm asking is for some kind soul to take the time to tell me the steps I need to take to do this properly.

    Thanks a ton!

  2. Hey guys

    So i just updated to 1.0.5 and MechJeb isn't working. I know this has been asked before, and I'm aware that there is a site I can go to to get the new MechJeb Mod. But the problem is I am an idiot with computers. I know how to install a mod, and thats about it. I just want to make sure that when I update MechJeb, all my existing flights with MechJeb parts won't get destroyed (this happened when I was trying to use Karbonite and I did some dumb stuff). Anyways, basically what I'm asking is for some kind soul to take the time to tell me the steps I need to take to do this properly.

    Thanks a ton!


  3. You need a Karbonite scanner on your satellite and you need to be running the latest dev version for it to show Karbonite on your scans at map.

    In the upper right corner of the big map you find a menu to choose your resource type and when you hover mouse pointer over the map it will show the Karbonite concentration in the lower left corner where it shows biome and altitude.

    I do have a karbonite scanner on my probe. It tells me the instantaneous measure of karbonite in orbit, above a certain area, but it doesn't feed to to the scansat map.

  4. Hey everyone. So I recently got into the field of mods and one of the first ones i downloaded was Karbonite, as I wanted a way to refill larger ships far from Earth. Someone suggested that I also download scansat, so I could scan planets and find where the resources are. So I have done that, and fully scanned both Kerbin and the Mun, but I have a problem. The map just shows altitudes at different points. I know that the resources are tied to the biome, but I don't know what biome to target, nor do I know what the biomes are on the Mun.

    Another thing I don't understand is the Anomalies. What are they?

    Thanks to anyone who responds to this!


  5. Yeah . . . I don't have one done in this save. Though I can give you some helpful resources I use. This and this are by forum user Temstar, who has since vanished. Bear in mind these were created before landing leg suspension was a thing so that will affect you some. It also uses Kethane instead of Karbonite (Karbonite didnt exist back then) but its still good material. These are where I derived my methods for base building. Give it a read. It may be worth your while or it may not.

    Sick I appreciate it

  6. -shooty: Thanks a bunch. That's exactly what I needed. The scanning mod is great, and I'm gonna install the toolbar one now. Thanks mate.

    -Captain Sierra: All a misunderstanding bro. No problem. Thanks for the great explanation. I would be interested to see a picture of your refueling base, and the design of the ship you use to ferry it up to another ship. Thanks man!

  7. Youre absolutely right, I was very vague. My intent is just to figure out the system. I was trying to construct a lander that could refuel itself that I could fly to some other point in kerbin and test out the refueling process. My intent is to eventually use it for a interplanetary mission. Should I quit now and try kethane?

    As for the first part of your post, I did not understand really any of that (I apologize my gaming experience is minimal and I'm new to mod-lingo if that makes sense). Is there another mod that i need to download in order to use karbonite (or kethane) in that way? If so, what is that called?

    Again I apologize for my limited knowledge of the language and the system. I'm trying to learn all of this.



  8. Hey so I just downloaded Karbonite and it looks really awesome. Just one problem: I have no idea how to use it.

    Really I only have two questions:

    1. How should I set up a lander that would drill for Karbonite? A picture would be great, but maybe a parts list in order would suffice.
    2. How can I effectively scan for karbonite. I've seen screenshot were people have maps of the planets with karbonite spots in orange on them. I have no idea how to make that happen.

    Thanks in advance for your help!


  9. -5thHorseman: I'm really quite dumb, I never quicksave. I tried loading my quicksave and it was from like 5 months ago. Not even worth it in my opinion. But thanks for the suggestion.

    -Claw: Thats exactly what I did. I killed Jebediah and Bob in a test launch and forgot to revert. I figured since it was a sandbox game they would just come back, so I clicked the little 'x' on them in the astronaut center. I'll scan through my persistence file and see if i can find them. Thanks!

  10. Here's my problem. When I boot up KSP, i choose my sandbox game (where I have all my progress and infrastructure) and get shown the view of the space center. However, when I go to click on the rocket construction center, it lights up but will not open. No matter how many times i click it it will not open. This is true for the spaceplane hangar and the place that shows you all of your flights. I can click on the science tree building and the astronaut center, but once i leave those the game totally stops responding. I cannot click on any building nor can i go back to the main menu, I have to quit the game.

    I have determined that the problem lies in the persistence file. I copied the persistence file from my saved game and copied it into a new, clean game. The same problems endured.

    I have no idea what to do about it and I really want to keep all of my progress.

    Thanks in advance

    p.s. I am a complete novice when it comes to computers and gaming. Keep it simple. Thanks

  11. Alright I have no idea how to do that, but I'll try and figure it out. Thanks!

    - - - Updated - - -

    So I'm convinced that the problem is in the persistence file. I copied the persistence file of my save game and loaded it onto a clean slate game. This resulted in the same problem. Going through the entire persistence file would take me years, and even there I wouldn't know what to look for. Any ideas?


  12. I did a fresh install without any mods and still experienced the problem.

    Honestly I can't even find the folder i was putting them in the first time. Again, I'm a novice at this. I was kinda pasting it in places and hoping it would work. But I removed all the files i copied.

    The second time, I looked up a tutorial, and they said put it in the GameData folder. It was Kerbal Space Program->GameData.

  13. I would bet all my KSP money that this has already been posted, but i cannot for the life of me find it in the forums.

    So I was trying to install the kethane mod, but I was doing it totally wrong. I ended up putting the file in the wrong folder (under downloads(?)). Anyways i ditched kethane because it "wasn't compatible with the current version of KSP." So I found Karbonite and decided to try it. i installed it in the same place on my first try (the wrong place) then looked up an online tutorial and found the correct place to put it. Then I booted up KSP and everything looked good. I opened my sandbox game. I tried to click on the rocket construction facility, but it wouldn't open. I clicked it about a million times, and it wouldn't open. Neither would the aerospace hanger. I clicked on the astronaut center and it opened, but once i exited that, nothing would respond. I couldn't open any of the facilities nor could i time warp.

    I'm totally stuck. I admit my experience with games is minimal. (I have no idea what I'm doing).

    Does anyone have any idea whats going on?

    Update: I tried uninstalling KSP and re-downloading it, and nothing changed.

    Update again: I have 3 saved games: 1 regular sandbox, 1 science sandbox, and 1 career. I really only use science sandbox as thats where most of my progress and infrastructure are. This also seems to be the only one I am experiencing the problem in. The other 2 work perfectly.

  14. Hey I'm trying to download the kethane mod, but I can't find the latest version. I have the latest version of KSP (it updated a few days ago.)

    If anyone knows a mod that works better than kethane please suggest it.

    Thanks in advance

  15. So I want to build a mothership made of the mk2 parts. I want to use the cargo bays to hold parts to create smaller ships which I could then send down to a planet's surface. But I can't seem to figure out the cargo bays. Parts stick where they shouldn't stick. They won't go on where I want. It makes no sense to me. Can someone give me a quick tutorial?

    Thanks in advance!

  16. Hey sorry to keep blowing up this post, but i changed the designation for the game I wanted to SANDBOX, but when I go into KSP I still only have the parts I previously unlocked. I scrolled thorough the persistence file to look for anything that may allow me to access all the parts, but I'm too afraid I'll mess up my game. Any ideas?

  17. Your persistence file is located in the "saves" folder of your KSP install directory. (A search for KSP on your C:\ drive should find it) in there you should open the folder labelled with the name of your save.

    You will find "persistent.sfs" which can be opened with a text editor. (Most people just use notepad)

    At the top of the file you will find the following line: Mode = CAREER

    Change this to the desired game mode. (SANDBOX or SCIENCE)

    Save your changes and load up KSP.


    Thanks man I really appreciate it.

  18. Hey this is going to sound really dumb but bear (bare?) with me. I have a Science sandbox game that I want to change into a regular sandbox game. However, I am new to gaming on computers and need a little bit more explanation on the process. I'm a total noob when it comes to computers so I basically need it all step by step. I don't even know that a persistence file is (the only reason I know the name is it was referenced in the first response). Thanks a bunch!

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