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Posts posted by philbo

  1. Help... Proc_Fairings has stopped playing nice!

    I recently installed 6.4x MOD and now whenever i save a rocket in VAB and load it back up none of the parts are real anymore, staging disappears, and the parts catalog becomes un-clickable. Does anyone know what my issue may be? I love this MOD and its on my "will not play unless it runs" list of mods. This only occurs if i have a PF part staged into the rocket in the VAB.

    I'm not very programming savvy at all, so any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.

    Edit: Attempts at reversing this apparent bug have been unsuccessful: I have removed 6.4x and have been methodically removing each other mod to see if this still occurs. It seems to have no consistency, but only occurs when a fairing has been placed in the VAB. I am currently running only a few mods compared to the state i had prior to this. I have also done a steam verification of files, and have re installed the mods currently in use. I should be well below any memory limit for 32k windows version.

    Any ideas i will gladly try out, thank you.

    Edit2: The bug continues to occur even after i have selected a "create new" rocket in the VAB. I select a new seed - a cmd module and nothing happens. If I try a second time to "create new" rocket in the VAB it finally clears this bug and i can build a new rocket. The save file of the previous 'bugged' rocket forever remains bugged and must be deleted.

    Edit3: Unable to reliably recreate bug. Did not get any feed back... complete re install and mod buildup... If i come across it again i'll post again.

  2. RSS needs to be installed before 6.4x does. Once RSS is up, you need to remove the .obj files from the PluginData folder within the RSS folder, and then install 6.4x. You also don't need the RSS textures with 6.4x, since it uses the stock textures. I don't think having them will cause issues, but they'll waste RAM if they are there. First time you load, it'll generate those .obj files (which will take a long time, maybe 20 minutes). The OP of the 6.4x thread hasn't been updated with new install instructions, sorry.

    If you're installing 64K, then the install is different, so refer to that thread for install instructions.

    Thank you. I will try that.

    EDIT: couldn't get it to work... it just loads as if RSS or 6.4x weren't even there.

    EDIT 2: Got it to work by deleting the cache file! thank you very much !

  3. I run .90 KSP.

    Does this RSS need to be installed prior to installing 6.4x? - because it seems to me it indicates that it is a complete standalone install. Secondly KSP gives me a warning that RSS is incompatible with KSP and it simply loads up with it not working. I've tried with the RSS installed and without RSS installed and both methods result in the same error, incompatible warning and KSP simply loads up without 6.4x running. I've also tried running just RSS alone and it does the same, simply does not load up. I've followed the instructions as indicated and the texture files as well in their place.

    can anyone shed some light on this? thank you.

  4. hi, i been having problems installing this MOD. I've looked up the instructions, but can't seem to make it work.

    I run .90 KSP.

    Does this MOD need RSS installed prior to installing, because it seems to me it indicates that it is a complete standalone install. 2nd KSP gives me a warning that RSS is incompatible with KSP and it simply loads up with it not working. I've tried with the RSS installed and without RSS installed and both methods result in the same error, incompatible waring and KSP simply loads up without 6.4x running.

    can anyone shed some light on this? thank you.

  5. I am getting the same Bug. At first i was able to run many missions, using revert, quickload, spacecenter, etc. Now it happens every single time. the game is unplayable. I also use realchutes but regardless, because most of my constructs don't even have the stock chute on them. Some had been in orbits doing survey (SCANsat) and were fine, now... all craft whether new or older designs suffer this. Also if I separate a lander from a Cmd Module in an orbit - when i return to it after landing - I find it has blown up, and all that usually remains is just the module and no crew.

    hopefully someone discovers this soon. In the meantime for me its broken. Wish I had stayed in .24


    EDIT: downloaded lastest versions of MODS... looks like the 2.5.3 ? version of RealChutes fixed my problem, though i cannot confirm.

    My thanks to the hard work and effort by the Modders .. it is greately appreciated your at times thankless work.

  6. thanks for your MOD... just wanted to put that out there.

    I'm a lay user of the mods here, but i wanted to point out that your SXT (Stock Extension Mod ) mod seems to be incompatible with the < Active texture Management MOD>. I can't tell which is doing what but both run when the other is not loaded, and the game stalls on launch on a "lander Part" i believe and never loads.

    I don't know if that helps, hopefully it helps each of you.


  7. thanks for your MOD... just wanted to put that out there.

    I'm a lay user of the mods here, but i wanted to point out that the SXT (Stock Extension Mod ) seems to be incompatible with yours. I can't tell which is doing what but both run when the other is not loaded, and the game stalls on launch on a "lander Part" i believe and never loads.

    I don't know if that helps, hopefully it helps each of you.


  8. I just installed the plugin (and all the other stuff related to it).

    My KSP GameData VNG directory structure looks like this:

     Datenträger in Laufwerk J: ist SSD1
    Volumeseriennummer: 587B-28F1

    Verzeichnis von J:\Games\KSP\KSP_0.24\GameData\VNG

    14.09.2014 14:20 <DIR> .
    14.09.2014 14:20 <DIR> ..
    14.09.2014 12:13 4.096 EVAParachutes.dll
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> FrementGUI
    14.09.2014 12:13 10.240 FrementGUILib.dll
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> parachute
    14.09.2014 12:13 44.032 VanguardTechnologies.dll
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> VNG_Eject
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> VNG_Parachutebox
    3 Datei(en), 58.368 Bytes

    Verzeichnis von J:\Games\KSP\KSP_0.24\GameData\VNG\FrementGUI

    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> .
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> ..
    14.09.2014 12:13 2.962 close.png
    14.09.2014 12:13 3.000 close_hover.png
    14.09.2014 12:13 2.856 minimize.png
    14.09.2014 12:13 2.859 minimize_hover.png
    14.09.2014 12:13 3.179 options.png
    14.09.2014 12:13 3.194 options_hover.png
    6 Datei(en), 18.050 Bytes

    Verzeichnis von J:\Games\KSP\KSP_0.24\GameData\VNG\parachute

    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> .
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> ..
    14.09.2014 12:13 321.839 model.mu
    14.09.2014 12:13 4.194.324 model000.mbm
    14.09.2014 12:13 1.048.596 model001.mbm
    3 Datei(en), 5.564.759 Bytes

    Verzeichnis von J:\Games\KSP\KSP_0.24\GameData\VNG\VNG_Eject

    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> .
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> ..
    14.09.2014 12:13 11.562 EjectionModule.dae
    14.09.2014 12:13 23.655 EjectionModule.png
    14.09.2014 12:13 1.842 part.cfg
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> textures
    3 Datei(en), 37.059 Bytes

    Verzeichnis von J:\Games\KSP\KSP_0.24\GameData\VNG\VNG_Eject\textures

    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> .
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> ..
    14.09.2014 12:13 23.655 ejectionmodule.png
    1 Datei(en), 23.655 Bytes

    Verzeichnis von J:\Games\KSP\KSP_0.24\GameData\VNG\VNG_Parachutebox

    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> .
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> ..
    14.09.2014 12:13 13.192 parachutebox.dae
    14.09.2014 12:13 1.952 part.cfg
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> textures
    2 Datei(en), 15.144 Bytes

    Verzeichnis von J:\Games\KSP\KSP_0.24\GameData\VNG\VNG_Parachutebox\textures

    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> .
    14.09.2014 13:50 <DIR> ..
    14.09.2014 12:13 17.615 parachutebox.png
    1 Datei(en), 17.615 Bytes

    Anzahl der angezeigten Dateien:
    20 Datei(en), 5.734.650 Bytes
    20 Verzeichnis(se), 31.104.786.432 Bytes frei

    Everything works so far. I can EVA midflight and save my Kerbals with a chute. BUT ... Abort function is not working. Neither the "Abort" button next to the Altimeter nor hammering the "Backspace" key has any effect.

    Log file doesn't say anything (no error message, nothing related to "Abort").

    Thank you so very much for posting your install files, and where they are. I had all but labelled this MOD as broken. However my ABORT function works just fine and ejects the kerbals out in good force! good luck and thanks for "basically" posting an install how too. thanks again!

  9. Just a suggestion for all the great people modding:

    I have wished several times ( being i'm a pilot myself ) that my kerbals could have an ejection envelope for atmospheres ( tech tree could lend itself very nicely to simple ejections to capsule ejections, high speed, low altitude etc. ).

    Along those lines for Kerbal personal escape systems:

    An emergency EVA pack.

    An emergency inflatable "life ball" for awaiting rescue in orbits.

    An emergency personal de-orbiter for Kerbals <PDOK system>.

    Ocean splashdown systems.

    Kerbal Personal Cryo-Systems.

    Personal microwave receivers for personal electrics on EVA, or personal capsules.

    add with them some failures rates like the Dangit! MOD and it could be very fun trying to keep them coming back to KSP for more missions!

    Just some ideas... wish i could MOD.. and all the MODS i use are greatly appreciated.


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