Hyperedit. Use the merge thing in the editor when loading craft and you can attach an array or tanks to a big plate or something and use hyperedit to send them in bulk to the destination. You can use kerbalmaps.com to determine the coordinates or fly there yourself and have Hyperedit take the typing out with the click of a button. Also, when I do big battles of whatever kind, I still manually launch each craft. Despite having the option available, I've never done the big plate'o'tanks to deliver them somewhere, for reasons I like delivering everything Antonov A-40 style. Yeah it's tedious, but I deal. And you gotta keep in mind that BDA is built around KSP, KSP isn't built around BDA. EDIT: Anyone with half-decent Blender capabilities up for making a 32lb black powder cannon? I have the sudden urge to siege a castle.