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Everything posted by Sirplentifus

  1. Thanks for that video. With what I learned from your video, I managed to calculare the vector which always points to the right of the projection of SHIP:FOREVECTOR onto the horizon plane. Here it is in the pictures (Called Right). Its angle with SHIP:STARVECTOR (called Right wing in the pictures) is the bank angle! You can see in the pictures the math I used to calculate it. A side effect of the method used to calculate it is that the Right vector becomes smaller as pitch angle increases. And unfortunately, the kOS function for angles between vectors makes no distinction between positive and negative vectors, so I'm going to use the arcsin of the magnitude of the cross product between those vectors divided by their respective magnitudes. Thank you for helping! EDIT: I forgot to actually post the image: http://imgur.com/RAPhfxu , http://imgur.com/B4x0Taf And here are some pictures showing that I did manage to calculate the bank angle from these vectors: http://imgur.com/a/TkmY5#0
  2. Awesome mod! I've been using it mostly to make controllers. My latest is an attitude hold controller, and it works quite nicelly. However, I've been wanting to make a wing leveler, but I can't find out how to get my roll angle. The values given by SHIP:FACING are obtained using a weird, barelly explained reference frame which uses propper euler angles. This two situations together make it almost impossible for me to figure out the roll angle of my aircraft. I wish there was an angle system like (heading, pitch, bank), aka nautical angles. It would be awesome if it was impelemented. Does anyone know a workaround this problem? I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks for this cool mod!
  3. I posted an issue on the github page about that, and I was told that that extra water comes from: Food isn't 100% dehydrated, Humans do produce food when we bread down food in our cells.
  4. How do you do that? Where's the file that I need to edit, and what's its name? And where in that file do I stick that "isOmniDecoupler=true" command? Thank you for helping!
  5. I have a rocket that sort of imitates a Sputnik, so it has 1 central engine and 4 surrounding it (KWR's RD-108 and RD-107). When I try to ignite them all at once, at least one of them fails to ignite, not consuming TAEB, but decreasing the ignition count. I considered it might be that the central engines uses TAEB from an outter engine, and the outter engines become unavailable to reach it (the TAEB ended up being in the central engine, which always ignites). So I tried igniting all the 4 outer engines, and only after that, the central one. And what happens is that the central engine is left with all 1.00 TAEB, 0/1 ignitions, and doesn't ignite. Why is this happening? By the way, removing the fuel ducts connecting the booster to the central stage seemed to prevent this.
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