I have been looking at, and enjoying looking at, Kethane since the day I started playing KSP. I only have one problem with it though: Is every new KSP update going to COMPLETELY trash my ksp saves, or are the mod-related parts simply going to vanish? Take that to mean I've never installed or used mods with KSP before. (As a sidenote: Why hasn't anyone -and I'm assuming nobody has here- consulted the KSP dev team about shaping Kethane into the mining system that they just couldn't quite formulate? There shouldn't be any problem with it, so long as the Kethane team is willing to trash almost everything, seeing as they implemented space-plane plus, and I highly doubt that squad would discourage someone aiding them with something they deemed so tedious that they decided to put it on hiatus, so long as said aid-bringer has the right ideas in mind. Food for thought.)