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  1. Looks pretty badass. Pity my laptop\'s processor turned into a viscous liquid when I tried to launch it. Whole lot of parts in that thing. It certainly looked good in the SPH though.
  2. It was just like the old footage you see of the early days of rocketry; hundreds and hundreds of crazy \'Stop The Pigeon\' style rockets exploding and going haywire at first. Then I watched some of Scott Manley\'s videos.
  3. I only discovered this game three days ago and have been hooked on it since. I was so terribly bad at it at first that it was about a day before I even managed a complete orbit of the Kearth with a safe return. So far my favourite rocket, Big Ted, has managed to get a module into Munar orbit then home again. Still haven\'t managed to set foot on the surface of the Mun yet.
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