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Everything posted by ghostnineone

  1. Yes i'm using the latest github version. I get an error that the download failed due to an authentication error and it tells me to run mozroot. I ran it before even trying ckan but I did it again to make sure (sudo both times) and I still get the same error. I'm not home right now but I'll post the logs when I get home. All of the mods that I've tried are from kerbal stuff so I can't tell if its just a KS issue or not.
  2. I still can't download anything from kerbalstuff on ckan on linux, I have applied all the fixes from the last page of the thread and it still doesn't work. I am running xbuntu 14.4.
  3. I have the most current version of KSP and of dangit and I don't see the dangit button anywhere in the KSC I have the option to inspect or repair parts but if i click them nothing that I can see happens.
  4. The command pod is attached to the habitation pod by a clampotron and the utilities module and the habitation pod are attached to the other node and science bay by the two 2.5 fustek docking bays
  5. I can't transfer any crew now, which could be because the station is completely full except for the command pod and I tried to transfer them into it and that didn't work (I opened all the hatches) I know the science bay might not work because it doesn't have hatches but I want to build expansions onto the nodes eventually.
  6. Do these parts have to be connected a certain way for CLS to see them and for ship manifest to allow transfers? I sent up a utilities module and habitation module and then sent up a kuest legacy connected to a kirs with a docking port on the end that connects to the station. I couldn't transfer crew into the kirs which means I couldn't get into the airlock. I figured I did something wrong so I tried docking a node to a third party space lab and your logistics bay, the node has IACMBs on every port plus a 2.5 one that docked with the utilities module and I can't transfer crew into the node either. The science bay has 4 kerbals in it and shows up green in CLS (and says i can transfer crew) and the node shows up in red. (the kirs also showed up in red and the airlock was green) right now my station is like this (</> are docking ports and the X's are where I cant transfer to): Habitation module<>Utilities<x>2.5 node<x>Station Science Lab<>Logistics bay< Are you not supposed to connect a node to a station with an docking port? Do you have to attach it to something in the VAB before it works?
  7. I am running x86 0.25 and the version of scansat for it, and I have the parts and the buttons on the toolbar and I can use the parts (they dont animate though) and get science from them but the buttons on the toolbar don't work and I never get any maps popping up or anything like that, the settings window also doesn't come up.
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