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Everything posted by commanderoz

  1. alright im gonna go to the back of the hypetrain, for a new cup of coffee. leave the controls alone till i get back
  2. dont make me turn this hypetrain around and drop out of hyper dimentional space
  3. you been saying this, but theres still a mun and you pointed at the earlyer
  4. anything is possible, i will get to researching this asap, got lots of science for this one
  5. *sticks hype throttle controle to max, then breaks the control* there now we will constantly be speeding up. mwuahahahaha we can never go to fast
  6. with the power of kerbol, we can run all these hypthrusters forever. next stop hypespeed 20
  7. megatiger activate the 30 Hypenerva Thrusters i just installed. if my calculations are correct we may be able to tear the fabric of space.... let the hype flow mwuahahahahahah
  8. this hypetrain doesnt seem to be over engineered enough. *starts modding the hypetrain*
  9. jeb tells me the faster we go, the hype emitting from the train acts like a week hyperadiation sheild. something to do with super fluid state. i wasnt paying him to much attention im dizzy from all the hype
  10. as the hypetrain hype reachs light speed. the hyperadiation increases x10. we are all being fatal doses of hyperadiation
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